“I don’t know what’s going on around here. I moved out of Gabe’s room last night and haven’t seen him since.” I rolled over to my side and faced the door, wishing he’d come through it.

“No kidding? So, you’re done with him?”

“Yeah, I’m in your old room. I don’t know what else to do. I told him how I feel and he stood there looking at me like I’d told him I had a tail. To make it worse, I told him I didn’t want the annulment anymore, so now he probably thinks I’ll fight him about it or want his stupid money since we’re in a disagreement.”

“Did he say anything?” The sound of running water came through and I wondered if she’d gone on a cleaning binge again.

“He said we’d talk later when we had more time. There was more drama with the investigation and that lawyer of his, but he could have at least said something.”

The gentle sound of teeth being brushed held up her response. She even took the time to rinse and gargle. “Sorry, I’m getting ready to go out. But it’s not like he denied you. It sounds like he got scared.”

“No, you didn’t see the look on his face – like I was nobody.” I shook my head. “I should have left with you. I wanted to, you know. I could have lain down in the back seat and no one would be the wiser. The stupid media hasn’t been around for days now anyway, so I don’t know what he’s so afraid of.”

She laughed. “Maybe he doesn’t want you to leave because he loves you, too, and he doesn’t know how to say it. And, you know damned good and well it isn’t the media he’s afraid of. Some asshole out there killed two of his exes.”

Even though she was being light-hearted, the reminder hurt. “I have no doubt he cares about my safety, but it’s different. People care about each other’s safety every day of the week without being in love.”

“So, what are you going to do? You can stay here if you want, but I’m leaving in a few days to go stay with my aunt in Kentucky.” I’d forgotten about that trip, and as much as I would feel safe in her home with her there, I’d feel strange there alone.

The only other option wasn’t going to be as fun as staying with my best friend. “I guess I’ll go to my dad’s house. He’s there all the time, and when he’s not, he’s in church, which is across the street from the parsonage. He can keep an eye on me.”

“You know Gabriel is going to want to send security.” I wondered if he would and who he’d send. Not Joe. Joe was his personal detail. He’d probably send that guy who knew my father.

“I doubt he’ll care once I’m gone. As long as I show up to work, though I’m not entirely sure he’ll honor his promise about that, either.” Losing my job would be devastating.

“What on earth would you do? You couldn’t find another job that pays like Gabriel. Could you make it?” I didn’t want to think about losing my apartment or having to change my spending. I’d wanted to take a huge shopping trip once I busted out of G2 lockup, but I probably should wait for final word to come down.

“I hope so. If all else fails, I’ll get a roommate.” Silence on the other end had me feeling defensive. “Hey, I’m not that bad.”

“I didn’t say a word. You were an amazing roomie.” She didn’t manage to hold her laughter on that last part.

“Why the quiet spell? We both know you were the party animal who drank too much and brought home guys who stole from us.”

“Don’t get me started on that fool. I was thinking you might be jumping the gun. Give it some time.” I wondered if she only said that so it wouldn’t put a wrinkle in what she and Joe had cooking.

“I’ve given it time.” I’ve given him more than enough time. I thought about the past week and how things had progressed to us making love each night like a true honeymooning couple should. I should have known our honeymoon period ended when we left that miserable suite.

“You haven’t given it time since you told him you love him, so trust me and be patient. Besides, if Joe says they are having security issues, you know his mind is mush. Maybe you should find out what it is.”

“I didn’t think it was too important or I’d have known already.”

“You’re being stubborn, Ms. Spencer.” It was a sure sign of things being bad when Kim used my last name.

“Fine, I’ll go down and find out what’s going on. Maybe I’ll ask Joe directly.” I hoped that last part made her jealous.

“Tell Mr. Hancock I’m waiting on his call.” Her voice had lowered to a seductive tone, and we both giggled as we ended the call.

At least I had Kim to keep me grounded. She’d always picked me up no matter how low I’d gotten.

I slipped on my sandals and headed down to Gabriel’s office, which was empty. Two glasses and his decanter were on the desk, and I wondered who’d been day drinking with him. Probably Mason.

I continued my search of the downstairs and went out front where Carl was weeding a flower bed. “Good morning, Carl. Have you seen Gabriel?”

“He went down to the winery to check the security with Joe. There’s been excitement all morning.” He turned his attention back to the ground, and I wondered if he’d looked up from the dirt long enough to know what the excitement was all about.

Instead of asking, I turned to leave. “Thanks, Carl.” His welcome came from behind, and I went to the carport to find the cart missing. There were a pair of beach-cruiser-style bikes and I didn’t waste time hopping on one, thankful I’d dressed in my comfortable capris.

I rode out to the winery and went inside. Gabriel wasn’t anywhere to be found, though the cart was outside. I felt like I was wasting more time trying to find him. For what? Nothing was going to change. I couldn’t make him love me.