He raked his hand through his hair and frowned. “I had a call from Mason; the police are suspicious of a man who they claim used to work for me. Mason got a tip-off from someone inside the department, and I think I know who this guy is. I want to go over the recordings again to see if I can find him.”

“You’ve been over those several times now. I doubt you’ll see anything you haven’t already. Besides, if you knew the man, don’t you think you’d have noticed him by now?”

“Not necessarily. He could have been wearing a hat or a disguise. As a matter of fact, it’s a hat I’m looking for.” He stared intently at the screen and I gave up my hopes of a romantic evening.

“I was headed to bed. I hoped you’d join me.” I had such hope only minutes before, but as he shook his head, I knew I’d be going up alone.

He glanced up and met my eyes and frowned. “I’m sorry. I wish I could join you, but this is important.”

What I had to say was important, too, but I wouldn’t burden him with it now. “Would you like some help?”

“Could you make a pot of coffee? I’ve got to stay alert so I don’t doze off.” He stopped for a moment to stare at me. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” I started for the door, but he wasn’t buying it.

“I have it on good authority that when a woman says she’s fine, that means she’s not.” He waited, as if I was supposed to spill my guts, but I continued out.

“Luna!” I heard him call behind me, but I didn’t stop. I headed to the kitchen, where I threw the door open and nearly scared Carl to death.

> “Excuse me, Carl.” My face warmed as it reddened with embarrassment, and I headed straight for the coffee pot.

“No problem, Miss, but isn’t it a bit late for coffee?” He lowered himself at the breakfast nook and scratched his head.

“It’s for Gabriel. He’s working late again.” My tone was mocking, and I wondered if Carl caught on to my aggravation.

“It’s not easy being married to a busy man.” I nodded in agreement as I waited for the machine to brew the pot. Carl returned his attention to his paper. Every now and then, he’d dunk a cookie into his large glass of milk and take a bite. I grabbed a mug and the pot and bid Carl farewell. I hurried back to the office where I placed the pot on the warmer by the bar and poured Gabe a cup.

Making his coffee was something I’d done a few times at work, so I knew exactly how he liked it: black as the night.

I walked around his desk and placed the cup within reach before leaning against his chair. After an hour, I moved to a chair and sat quietly, hoping he would be done soon so we could go to bed.

“Luna, why don’t you go to bed? I’m going to be here a bit. I’ve got a few more files to look through from the G2 office.”

“More files? What are you looking for?”

“The guy – the one I told you about.” Gabriel was aggravated, and I couldn’t blame him, but he didn’t have to take it out on me.

“Is this something that could wait? I’d hoped you and I could talk.” I understood the importance of clearing his name and solving the crimes, but it seemed a bit unnecessary to do the investigator’s work for them.

“We can talk while I do this. You won’t bother me.” He cracked his knuckles and then got back to work.

“It can wait. I’d like your attention for the conversation I’d like to have.” I rose from the chair and stalked across the room to the door.

“Hey, don’t walk out of here like that again. What’s going on?”

“I had hoped we could discuss us and the annulment.” I took a deep breath prepared to explain further when he threw up his hands and slapped them down on his desk.

“I thought we’d been over that enough already. If you’re wanting out sooner, you can wait until I’m done here.” His tone was harsh as his eyes hardened.

I stalked back across the room to stand over his desk. “Don’t snap at me. You’ve got no idea what I wanted to talk about.”

“You’re right, I don’t. But I know it can’t possibly be more important than what I’ve got going on right here, right now.” He returned his attention to the screen and I threw out my hands in frustration and turned to leave again.

“You’re right. How could I possibly be as important as that?” I hadn’t wanted us to fight, and since he had it all wrong, I wasn’t about to correct him.

I had only wanted to tell him how I felt and that I thought my love was growing; instead, I left the room wanting to slap him.

As I climbed the stairs, I sighed. How confusing to have so much love for someone and yet still want to wring his neck. I put my hand on my throat and winced. Too soon? I said a silent prayer for the victims and went to the bathroom.