“She acted like a different girl. Harry and I dated her at the same time, but honestly, we didn’t realize it. I was a bit of a man-whore back then before I decided there was more to life than lust.” I shrugged and poured myself a cup of coffee. “Next subject, as this one leaves me wanting to put my fist through a wall. The woman is vile, and I’ll request that you stay away from her. If she knows who you are, she’ll not—”

“I’m pretty sure she does.” Molly handed me a plate and nodded toward the table. “I have a few different jams and jellies over there. Enjoy.”

“Where are you going? I took the day off in hopes that we could spend it together.” I gave her a sheepish smile. “Just as friends, of course.”

“Well, this friend needs a shower.” She winked playfully and turned to walk upstairs.

I grabbed my phone and sat down at the table with my plate, a little overwhelmed by how delicious the meal looked. This woman could steal my heart if she tried a little. But good for her for putting a barrier between us. Things were already moving too damn fast.

I drummed my fingers anxiously on the table in front of me. It’d been years since Priscilla and Harry had been officially together, but there was no doubt in my mind that Harry had carried on a relationship with Priscilla behind Molly’s back. Even though I had this feeling in the back of my mind, I had hoped I was just being crazy. I couldn’t have predicted that he was actually going to hurt Molly the way he had.

I was partially surprised that the boisterous blonde had yet to call me. That always seemed to be a habit of hers—to call me when I had no idea what was going on. Harry had always assured me that nothing ever happened between them after their break up before meeting Molly, but every single bit of Priscilla’s harsh and angry exclamations made sense.

It didn’t help my nerves either knowing that Priscilla had most likely called Harry to let him know that Molly was still in Devon. It was only a matter of time before someone said something to him.

I dialed Priscilla’s number with a sigh. There was only one way to know for sure, and that was to ask Priscilla.

She answered on the third ring. “Hello? To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“It’s Alfie,” I said, not bothering with pleasantries. “I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute about something that I know you have the answer to.”

“You’re right. I do have the answer to your question.”

The smugness in Priscilla’s voice set me on edge. “What’s my question then, lass?”

“You want to know if I’ve been in contact with Harry,” she said, eerily calm. “The answer is yes. Why, we just spoke this morning. It cut into my beauty rest, but a girl’s gotta help out those that help her most.”

Shit. I ran a hand through my hair with an irritated sigh.

“And I assume the conversation was about you seeing me with Molly?”

“Molly? Is that her name?” She snorted. “She really doesn’t fit in too well here, Alfie. And what are you doing harboring Harry’s ex? Wasn’t the wedding just a few days ago?”

“You haven’t grown up a bit, have you? You’re still just a little girl, clamoring for anyone’s attention. You should have yourself checked, love. That clamoring leaves its mark from time to time in the way of a disease.” I smirked, loving how quickly we moved from subtleties to stabbing at each other as hard and fast as we could. Bitch.

“Harry just left my flat,” Priscilla continued on. “Would you like me to deliver a message to him, Alfie?”

“No,” I responded, sharply. “I was just wondering if you knew he was around Devon s


“Well, from what I understand, he has been searching for his ex-fiancée, Molly. The dumb broad left a good man for us other ladies to pick up.” She laughed shrilly into the phone, and my fingers curled into fists to contain my temper. “He has some unfinished business with her and someone else. Wouldn’t tell me who, but—”

“Thanks, Priscilla,” I cut in, rolling my eyes in exasperation. “You’re always a great help.”

I hung up before she could say anything else. Unfinished business. Harry was never the type of man to make physical threats, but that was the old Harry I had once known. I had no idea who this new Harry was or what he was capable of doing exactly.

The floorboards above the kitchen groaned—a sign that Molly was out of the shower. It hit me in the gut then that to keep our lives drama free as possible, she would need to hide out somewhere else in Devon besides my house. I didn’t need the headache of dealing with Harry, and nor did Molly.

I got up and walked to the base of the stairs. “Molly?”

She walked out in a towel, her dark hair wet and hanging down her back. “Yeah?”

“Fuck, you look good.” I glanced down and took a shaky breath. Hitting on her was one thing, but I was simply telling the truth. “Look, Priscilla is most likely going to make a few waves for you, for us.”

“How’s that?” She reached for the banister and watched me closely.

A knock behind me caused me to stiffen. It wasn’t pleasant or friendly. Someone was at the front door, and he or she was pissed. “By telling Harry that you’re here.”