“Maybe, but maybe it’s only lust. I haven’t ever been in love, but I wouldn’t think it would be this complicated.”

“Ah, yeah it is. It’s a mess most of the time.” Her lips pulled tight and she placed her hand on my arm. “You don’t want the annulment, do you?”

I threw my head back and stared at the overhead beams, which were as nice as anything else in the room. “I don’t know. I guess it doesn’t matter. Gabriel regrets the marriage as much as I do.”

“Which, from what I can see, is not that much.” She winced. “You have it bad, friend.”

She was right, I did, but what could I do about it? Gabriel and I had been closer, that was for sure, but was it us getting used to each other in this new way, or was it developing into more? Even if we started dating, an annulment would make sense.

“Maybe the sex is confusing your emotions. It happens to the best of us.”

“We haven’t done it since that first time, and I’m not sure he’s going to go there again.” I had slept beside him for nights and nothing much had happened other than cuddling.

“Maybe you shouldn’t let that be for him to instigate. You are allowed to make a move on the man, too.” She glanced around the room and lowered her voice. “That woman called you Mrs. Grant, so that means he probably told her you’re his wife.”

“I’m sure he d

id. He told all of the staff at the house that, as well, but only because we don’t want the annulment to make headlines. It wouldn’t look good.” I thought of Mason and how he must have been pleased that the papers were already ordered. I didn’t think Gabriel would have done that already. It seemed much too early.

“What’s the matter?” Kim leaned in as if the other woman could hear everything we said.

“His lawyer and I got into a fight back in Vegas. I denounced my part to Gabe’s money and even offered to sign a contract. Gabriel seemed so against it at the time, but he’s already ordered the annulment papers, so there goes that hope.” I wished it was easier to talk to him.

“You can’t denounce it. I think you’d have to sign something.” She glanced around the room. “To think you own half of this is quite amazing.”

“Shh. I don’t. I never will. It’s not about the money. I think I’d want him no matter where he lived or what his bank account held. He’s a good man.”

Kim placed her hand over her heart. “See, there are those love feelings again. You can’t deny it. I think you’d better figure out a way to keep him.”

“What if I can’t?” I didn’t know anything about landing a man, much less keeping one. Apparently, my skills were lost to the alcohol fog, and it wasn’t like I could ask Gabriel what my magic trick to landing him was.

“If you can’t, you have nothing to lose. But don’t tell me this,” she waved her hand around regarding the room, “is not worth a damned shot. I’ve seen the man, too. He’s gorgeous.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, thinking of how willing I was to try, but before I could say anything else, Sylvie came out of the room, her pale-blue eyes seeking us out.

“Let’s get some wine and see what Emma’s Taste of Heaven is all about.” Kim nudged my arm and pulled me across the room to where the woman had set up a private table for us.

There was wine and glasses for both of us, and also some fresh grapes and cheeses. “I’m not sure it’s a good idea.”

“You’ll be all right; I promise not to marry you.” Leave it to Kim to make me laugh when I wanted to cry. That’s what friends were for: to see you through the bad times.

At the end of our tour and tasting, we went to the gift shop like Gabriel had suggested and picked out our gifts. Before we left, Sylvie hooked us up with some wine and our own collector’s glasses. It felt strange taking tokens from our day, so I gifted my take to Kim for an awesome day to remember.

Both of us were starving despite the wine and cheeses, and I wasn’t sure if it was a good time to go back to the house, but it wasn’t like I could take her anywhere else. I drove us back to the main house, and we parked the little cart on the back port and went in the side entrance that led into the kitchen. Judy was sitting across the room reading a magazine, and from her nonchalant greeting, I figured that Harbor had not yet been taken for questioning.

“Can I get you something?” she asked, placing her magazine face down on the table.

“We’ve experienced the wine tasting, but now we’re hungry. Did we miss lunch?”

“I haven’t served yet. Gabriel said it should wait a bit, but I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you wanted to have a bite. We’re having shrimp po’ boys and slaw.”

“That sounds amazing.” Kim’s eyes lit up; knowing how much she loved shrimp and seafood, I figured she wouldn’t want to wait.

I didn’t want to wait, either, but I wasn’t sure about eating on the patio or in the dining room for that matter. “Do you think we could eat in here?”

Judy’s eyes lit in surprise as she shrugged, moving her magazine off the small table. “You two can sit in my breakfast nook. It has a perfect view of the vineyard.”

“We don’t want to put you out.” I felt the need to apologize, and she reassured me by waving her hand.