“Anytime, my friend.” I didn’t know how to tell him that I didn’t want the damned thing, and worse, I didn’t know how to tell Luna. “I’m on my way now; I want to be handy when they show up.”

“I’ll see you soon.” I left the office to go find Luna and warn her about the police.

I went to the patio and was surprised that Luna and her friend had Carl cornered along the fence behind the pool. He was peeking into the bushes and carried his garden hoe.

Luna turned to see me coming and waved me over. “We’ve found a snake.”

I pulled her to the side. “Why don’t you and Kim take your tour of the vineyard? The police will be here for Harbor soon, and I’d rather not expose you and her to more of the drama. I have a feeling his mother is going to be upset.”

Her eyes widened but she nodded as I spoke. “I would imagine so, and certainly. I was hoping to wait until it wasn’t so hot, but I think you’re right that we shouldn’t be around.”

“Take the cart down. It’s on the port around the side of the house. But take your time.” The other thing I had to say was more to feel her out and I debated saying it. “Oh, and Mason has those papers drawn up when we’re ready for them. But I still think we should let the rest of this blow over first.”

She took in a deep breath and her face, which had already been laced with concern, grew even darker. When I thought she’d tell me what I wanted to hear, she instead nodded. “That’s good to know, thanks.”

“Found him!” shouted Kim. I looked up to see that Carl held a small garden snake by the tail, but it wasn’t dead.

“Are you going to kill it?” Kim ducked back from the thing as if it would eat her, but Carl shook his head.

“No, ma’am. This is a good snake for my garden. This kind keeps the pests away.”

Luna’s eyes widened as she placed her hand over her heart. “Could you release it somewhere else, Carl?” I asked. “I don’t think these ladies want to make friends.”

Luna stared at the little snake before regarding the old man with a smile. “Thanks, Carl.” Then she turned to me. “I’ll have my phone if you need me, but Kim and I are going to take that vineyard tour now.”

As the ladies walked away, I watched Carl take the pest to the front to turn him loose. With any luck, he wouldn’t be the only little snake to be captured and released today.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I hurried Kim out to the vineyard, hoping to get away from the main house before the police showed. I had no idea what the scene would be like, but if Sandra’s previous antics were any indication, I’d rather not expose my best friend to that drama.

The rolling hills of the vineyard spread out in front of us as far as I could see. I kept us on the path in the little cart, and it was a gorgeous view the whole way as we headed to the winery.

Kim held her hand up to shield the sun. “It looks like we have the whole place to ourselves.” She was referring to Emma’s Taste of Heaven headquarters, and I wondered if we’d be able to get inside the place.

As we got closer, I saw a woman sitting out front waiting and she stood up to wave as we parked. “Hello, I’m Sylvie.” She shook our hands. “I’m to give you the official tour if you like, or you can have a look around at your leisure. Gabe told me to set you up with some tastings, so that’s ready whenever you like.”

“Thank you, and it’s nice to meet you.” I looked at Kim, who was finishing her thank you to the woman as well, and we shrugged.

“No need to do anything official, I suppose.” I hated to put the woman out, especially if she had the day off. I hoped that Gabe hadn’t called her in because of us.

“No worries. You two look around and I’ll be hanging out if you have any questions. You can drive down into the valley if you like and don’t forget to look around the gift shop. Gabriel wanted you to have a special token of your day together on the house.” Kim’s eyes widened, but I had grown used to his generosity.

“Thank you so much.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Grant.” The woman disappeared into the main office as I led Kim away into the next room. It took her a minute to close her mouth.

But in true Kim form, it didn’t stay shut for long. “You are one lucky girl, Mrs. Grant.”

I thought about what Gabriel had told me minutes earlier before we left the house. “I don’t know about that. Gabriel’s lawyer has drawn up the annulment papers.” I stopped and placed my hand on a railing to steady myself.

“You okay?” Kim frowned at me, looking me up and down.

“Yeah… I don’t know.”

My best friend searched my face. “You’re in love.”