He rolled his eyes and stood firmly on his feet. “I didn’t kill anyone; why should I be punished?”

I thought it was the perfect opening and knew I’d better take the opportunity while I could. “What have you been up to lately? Your mother claims she hadn’t talked to you for weeks.”

He raked his fingers through his hair and grinned. “I’ve been busy with the ladies; you know me – can’t keep them off of me.” He shrugged before brushing his shoulder.

The words gave me chills, but I kept my reaction to a minimum. “I hope you’re staying out of trouble. The media is watching us like a hawk.”

He laughed and went to the bar where he poured himself a shot. “You afraid I’ll take all the

attention off of you? I’d say if anyone needed a lecture on the subject of staying out of trouble, it would be you, Uncle Gabe.”

He met my eyes and downed his shot. After wincing at the burn, he placed the glass down on the tray and leaned back against the cabinet. “The media headline said you were a lady killer.”

“You remember Cindy and Stacey. Do you think I’d be able to do such a thing?”

He narrowed his eyes. “I don’t know, what’s your recent death toll?” I didn’t flinch. Any time Harbor wanted something, he’d try and make me feel guilty for his father’s death. But I wasn’t having any of it this time.

“You can’t use the jet.”

I waited for his temper to explode. Instead, he strolled to the window and lifted the blinds to take a peek out toward Luna and Kim. “That friend of hers is not bad.”

“She’s here to see Luna, so I suggest you steer clear of her and let them have a nice visit.” With any luck, he’d be picked up within the afternoon.

“Right. I’ll make sure I do that.” He breathed out a quiet chuckle and left me alone with my drink.

After a moment, I got up and crossed the room to make sure he hadn’t gone out to bother the two. Luckily, he wasn’t in sight as Luna showed her friend the view of the vineyard from the house. I wasn’t sure when they’d go for their tour, but I’d send Joe along just in case.

When Mason called not ten minutes later, I got up and crossed the room to close my door. “Have you talked to the detective?”

“I’m fine, Gabe, thanks,” he said. I could imagine his pouty ass rolling his eyes and wondered if Luna’s impression had been correct. “And, yes, I’ve talked to the investigator. They are reviewing the footage I sent now. Hatcher was surprised you’d throw your own nephew under the bus, but I have to say, even I’m impressed.”

“I’m not happy about it, but what could I do?” I paced the room as I continued. “He’s been acting shady toward Luna and saying shit to her that’s got her shaken. I was going to write it off at first, but I believe her. Then he came in here not a half hour ago and asked to use the jet.”

Mason chuffed out a laugh. “It must be nice to have good old Uncle Gabe at your disposal, but I hope you told him no for once.”

“I told him no way.”

“Good man.”

“And, what do you mean, for once? I tell that little shit no all the time.” Mason knew Harbor was spoiled, but for him to pass that blame to me was ridiculous. “I can’t believe he asked for the jet, of all things. I’ve never let him take it.”

“Sounds like a desperate kid. I wouldn’t let him leave the house, which is why I called. They’ll be down to get him within the next few hours. It would be a lot easier if they didn’t have to hunt him down.”

I had to agree. I didn’t need anything getting ugly, especially with Kim here. With any luck, they’d come and take him away during her vineyard tour.

“If I’m lucky, his mother will be passed out before they show. She’s liable to attack them and get arrested.”

Mason’s laughter sounded like static through the phone. “Yeah, might give you a bit of peace and quiet.”

“I’m not even sure what that feels like anymore.” I glanced back out the window to find the ladies gone from the patio.

“That’s the word of a married man,” he said. His tone was dulled but the humor was still in his voice. “Let me know when you want that annulment. I’ve got the papers drawn up already. All you two have to do is sign them.”

“Jesus, Mason.” I hadn’t expected that from him until I gave the okay, but I should have known he’d be on the matter.

“I know how you feel about the money issue, but to save time, I went ahead and drew up an agreement which offers a settlement of your choosing. You can fill it in at the time of signing, and we’ll be good to go.” I didn’t want to get into that argument with the guy again, and I was sure that Luna didn’t want to go there, either, but I wasn’t about to dispute it with him.

I kept my response short and sweet. “Thanks.”