“No worries. I’ve made a special breakfast this morning. We’re having my special pancakes, at Harbor’s request.” She smiled wide, like the very sound of his name on her lips made her proud. As she turned and walked away, I realized he must hold a special place in her heart.

The thought of having to eat with him made me queasy, but I slapped on a smile and made my way out of the office and down the main hall to the back patio.

Harbor sipped coffee as his mother nagged; as soon as she saw me and Gabriel, she straightened in her seat and shut her mouth. Harbor’s sly grin spread his lips as he saw me, but he quickly lowered his eyes to the paper before him.

“Good morning, family.” Gabriel’s tone was stiffer than usual, but I had a feeling it was routine, especially when they offered him the same tone in return.

“Good morning, Luna.” Harbor turned his coffee up, and Gabriel shifted his eyes toward his nephew.

“Good morning.” I nodded my head and spread a napkin in my lap as Judy approached with a tray. She placed a platter of pancakes in the center of the table where three kinds of syrup were already waiting with our settings. I reached across for the large pitcher of orange juice and filled my glass.

I met Judy’s eyes. “Everything looks amazing, thank you.”

Harbor reached his fork toward the platter and stabbed a pancake. “Judy makes the best pancakes anywhere. You should try the syrups. She makes them from scratch.”

Gabriel reached across the table and chose one of the syrups. “This one is from our grapes, but there is also peach and maple.”

Judy’s cheeks reddened and she lowered her chin and shrugged. “The maple is store-bought, but I did make the peach, too. I hope you enjoy them as much as Harbor does.”

I looked up in time to see Harbor stuffing his face with his first bite. Any other day, I might have regarded the display like it was any normal family. But I feared in my heart that I was eating with a killer.

Chapter Twenty-Six


I had to hand it to Luna. She’d been a sport through breakfast, considering Harbor had joined us, and she’d even bitten her tongue when Sandra had piped up about what a wonderful boy he is. The woman had been in a fog for so long she hasn’t realized the young man was no longer a boy.

Harbor didn’t have much to say once he’d started shoveling Judy’s pancakes in his pie hole, and considering my aggravation with him, that was probably for the best.

I went over and peeked out the blinds of my office window to where Luna and her friend Kim had retreated for the past hour. Kim had shown up after breakfast with a suitcase full of Luna’s clothes, and when Luna’s face lit up, I’d felt a pang of guilt for neglecting her needs.

I’d promised her we’d go to her apartment, but so far I hadn’t made arrangements and she’d not mentioned it, either. It was further proof that she deserved much better than me and a reminder that soon enough, she’d have it. The annulment would be in motion at some point and she’d be free to do as she pleased with anyone she pleased.

Out the window, her smile radiated and she and her friend exchanged laughter. It was good to see Luna had managed to relax, considering everything going on around us.

She looked amazing, too, and seemed more relaxed with her body. Her posture was loose and confident. I couldn’t look at her and not smile. The memory of being inside her made my blood flow and it had been too long since we’d made love.

Love? No, it wasn’t that. Couldn’t be… But, man, did I want her. I wanted her beneath me writhing in pleasure and above me milking me until I’d come. I’d have to remedy the longing and soon.

“I had no idea you were a Peeping Tom,” Harbor’s voice came from behind me.

“I enjoy watching her laugh. Luna’s a good soul.” I wanted to knuckle his head for mentioning her to me, but I’d play cool so he wouldn’t be suspicious.

“I can imagine she’s good, but I’m not here to talk about your bride. I need to borrow the jet. I’d like to go on a trip with some of my college buddies.”

“You dropped out of college.” I walked from the window to my bar and poured a drink before returning to my desk.

He leaned against the chair in front of me, if only to posture over me while I sat. “It doesn’t mean I didn’t make friends while I was there.”

“Where do you want to go?” I wasn’t letting him go anywhere, but if I refused him too quickly, he’d storm out, and that would be that.

“I thought I’d let the guys decide if I was able to get your permission.”

I sipped my drink and eased back in my chair. “Fuel is not cheap, Harbor.”

“Think of all that money I’m saving on tuition, though.” He flashed a million-dollar smile that any twenty-dollar whore could pull off with better luck.

“I’m not sure it’s a good time to leave the country. I’m under investigation and if the police find out one of my jets has taken off, they’ll be swarming this place. I’ve finally gotten things settled down, and I intend on keeping them that way.”