“Yes, and if he did do it, they might think you’re an accessory or that you had him do it.” She stared back across the room as I let that sink in.

I’d have to call Mason and let him know, but before I went to anyone with the information, I was going to make damned sure Luna wasn’t mistaken.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I opened my eyes, expecting to see myself surrounded by water. The motion beneath me had me feeling I was floating on a raft, but when I opened my eyes, it was Gabriel climbing back into bed. In his hands, he held his laptop, and I blinked to adjust my eyes as he lit the screen in the dim room.

I yawned and cleared my throat. “What are you doing?”

Gabriel patted my arm and rubbed soft circles there as if to soothe me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. I’ve barely caught a wink all night with this weighing on me. I’m going to see if I have that file where you left and see if I can find Harbor there. I’ve got to know what he was up to.”

“I’m sorry this has happened. I feel awful.” I rolled to my back and stared up at the ceiling. “Maybe I should tell Kim not to come. In light of everything, it might be best. She’ll understand, and she can come another time.”

Gabriel’s fingers glided over the keyboard to log in and brought up a set of files. “I think you’re long overdue for some girl time. You keep your plans and let me deal with this.” He narrowed his eyes at the screen and continued, “I’d appreciate you both steering clear of Harbor if you can help it, and if he pulls another stunt like that, you come to me immediately.”

Having Kim around would make me feel better, but I’d make sure the two of us avoided Harbor and his mother like the plague. “Are you sure?” I wanted to give him one last opportunity to tell me I should wait, but instead, he nodded.

“I’m positive. Your friend is always welcome. I’d like you to take her on a tour of the winery and make sure she leaves with some of our best.”

“She’ll love that. She’s an impossible wino.”

“Then I’m sure I’ll love her.” He stared at the screen and spoke in a monotone voice as he focused hard on the images. “What time did you leave?”

I sat up beside him and laid my head on his shoulder to see. “That morning after my shower. I’d say around eleven.”

“Then it should be here.” He flipped through some of the camera angles.

“There, that’s the hallway. It would have showed up on that camera. I remember that table with the plant. He steadied himself against it.”

Gabriel forwarded through the first hour of video and suddenly, there it was. “There I am.” I watched as Harbor came into the angle and then just as I had said, he bumped into me. For the most part, his back had been to the camera, but as he recovered from the contact – which seemed deliberate, seeing it play out – he’d turned to look behind him. I didn’t say anything as Gabriel rewound it and stilled the frame.

“Son of a bitch.” He played it a few times and stilled it again. “Why does it seem deliberate? Why would he do that? He must know you, too.”

That made my skin crawl. “I’d never met him before.”

“I know, which is why this worries me.” He scratched his head. “Let’s assume he didn’t know who you were…maybe this is his way of getting a woman’s attention. It’s juvenile, but he’s young. If you had stopped to respond, it would have been the perfect way to open a conversation.”

“But he didn’t stop, either.” I shrugged it off, though I wanted to scream. Gabriel could make excuses for the kid all day if he wanted, but this wasn’t his pick-up game. The guy clearly knew who I was.

“Maybe he saw us together that night and avoided us.” He growled in frustration. “I don’t want to have to call Mason and rat out my nephew. It won’t end well.”

I didn’t want to get back into another argument with him, but I wasn’t going to let him forget his word. “You promised you would.”

His shoulders slumped and he reached over and patted my hand. “I promised, so I will. But I won’t like it. Neither will his mother. The police will want to talk to him.” I nodded and kissed his shoulder. “I feel like I should talk to him first.”

“Don’t. He could run – that would make it worse.” I wondered if it would be best to let him run. Then at least Gabriel would know. I remembered Harbor’s eyes and the way they had lingered on me, and I pulled the covers up a bit higher.

“Are you cold?” Gabriel adjusted the blankets to give me more.

I yawned. “Thanks.”

“Go back to sleep. It’s still early.” I glanced at the time on his computer, and as if my brain was screaming out another protest, I yawned again.

“I’ll do that.” But as much as I tried, I couldn’t drift off. After a long time pretending, I got up.

I’d waited until Gabriel was out of the bathroom and then I slipped inside to get ready for the day. By the time I came out, my hair was tamed, my face was made up, and I had nothing to wear. The clothes I’d packed had been laundered several times by the hotel staff, but I was growing tired of the same old things.