Heading down, I wore my cover up and sandals, but with the water calling, I dropped them by the pool and walked down the steps. The scenery was picture perfect, and I could have easily been in Tuscany or some other paradise.

The fragrant breeze from the flowers tickled my nose and I dipped myself down into the water and leaned back, letting the water lift me. Floating around in the shallow end, I was weightless and as I held my arms out, I pretended all the stress and exhaustion were slowly washing away.

This little slice of heaven was meant to be savored, and though I still worried about what would happen, I wouldn’t dwell on it. I’d let the situation take its course and come what may, I’d deal with it after. With any luck, Gabriel would be by my side.

I thought about what it was like waking up next to him and how now, after some time, we were holding each other closer. The kiss he’d requested had warmed my heart – and heated me in other places, too. It had been too long. I thought of having him again and knew that if I didn’t soon, I’d go crazy.

My body always responded to him when he was near, and I’d been anticipating him pulling me into one of the many corners of his home to give me what I craved. The urge was there every night in bed, but I’d kept my composure, not knowing exactly what was going on between us. Had that one time been our last? Maybe he wouldn’t want to be intimate with his sister-in-law and the others in the house?

As the thoughts went on in my mind, I heard someone clear their throat. I smiled at the deep male tone, and for a moment was imagining Gabriel’s eyes on me. “Well, well. What do we have here?”

The voice, which was not Gabriel’s, sent me into a scramble. I put my feet down on the bottom and kept myself under the water before I turned around.

A young man stood by the pool, looking down at me with the most incredible gray eyes that I’d ever seen, and that was only because they looked exactly like Gabriel’s. He had a hunger in them, raw and devilish, as if he were thinking impure thoughts and wanted me to know it.

“Harbor?” I gave him a sideways glance and waited to see if I was right.

Soft laughter escaped his lips as he knelt, crouching closer. “That’s not fair. You know my name, but I don’t know yours.”

I stayed on guard, not sure what to make of the way his gaze lingered on me. “I’m Luna Spencer.”

“Luna.” He nodded and stood, putting his hands in his pockets. “I’ve heard about you. You’re the assistant who is banging my uncle.”

I didn’t know how to react. He wanted me to be nervous, that much was obvious from the way he seemed to be stalking me, watching my every move in the water as if he would pounce if I made any sudden changes.

“I married your uncle.” I lifted my chin, but the laughter that echoed off the pool had me lower it and look up at him with narrowed eyes.

“You’re a brave one.” He put the bottle to his lips and kept his eyes on me as he tilted his head back to take a swig. This put him staring down his nose at me.

“Excuse me?” The statement struck me, and the more I looked at him, the more I thought I knew him. Had he come to the office? No, I’d remember him. He was so hot, it should be a crime, especially since I was thinking it. I was closer to his age than his uncle’s, but he was much too young for my tastes.

“I said you’re brave. I mean, after all, someone is murdering my uncle’s old girlfriends. I’d guess this paints a rather large target on your back.” He held up his beer hand and extended a finger to draw a circle in the air. As he poked the center of that air-drawn perimeter, he smiled very wide.

I’d had about enough of his intimidation. “We didn’t know about the murders when we married.”

“Ah, well then, your luck really sucks. However,” he swept his arm out to indicate the home and fortune around us, “I guess you’re not that unlucky.

He was a child being childish, and I wasn’t about to engage any further with him. Besides, his mother had probably put him up to it. “Well, it was nice to meet you.” I turned and swam to the middle of the pool.

“Was it?” He raised his voice across the space and it echoed off the water.

“Was it what?”

He downed the rest of his beer and stripped off his shirt. His chest was a much slimmer version of his uncle’s, but just as fit. I started to worry that he’d get in the water with me, but instead he kicked off his loafers and socks before rolling up his pants.

“I said, was it nice to meet me, Luna? Do you have water in your ears?” I shook my head and hoped if I stopped engaging, he’d go away, but without any concern for me, he dipped his feet over the edge and into the water.

“Come on, talk to me. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to spend time with a beautiful woman.”

“You favor him.” His face twisted as his mouth pulled into a tight line. I hoped that it bothered him. I remembered Gabriel saying how he resented him and how he’d been acting out lately. Gabe would have been livid if he knew Harbor was imposing on me. Maybe that’s what he wanted.

“I look like my dad.” His tone had deepened, and anger flashed in his gray eyes, so hard, like his uncle’s.

“I’m sure you do, but you look like your uncle, too.” I paddled myself around a bit before hovering in the center of the pool. “It makes sense. They were brothers. Besides, I’d take it as a compliment.”

His smirk was back in full tilt. “Oh, so you like what you see.” It wasn’t a question, and though I had to admit he was gorgeous, I had no interest in him at all.

I forced laughter, and his brows lifted as he pegged me with a hard stare. He didn’t like me laughing at him, and I exploited his insecurity. “Only because you remind me of your uncle. I imagine you’ll grow up to be a lot like him.”