g his space, but the more reasonable side knew it was only for show, like the introduction to his staff. Despite the validity of our marriage being solid, I had a part to play. I couldn’t think of a more lovely stage.

Upstairs, we walked a long hall to the master suite. Gabriel opened the door, and for the first time, I saw genuine relief wash over him. “Man, it’s good to be home.” He lowered himself on his bed and plugged his phone into the charger on the table beside it. “I hope you don’t mind sharing, but I think it sends a better message. Besides, I want you close.”

“I love it. I’m fine with any room.” I wondered if there’d come a time where I could be honest and open up about my excitement from being close to him. I wanted us to be a true couple, but I understood that whim surrounding our marriage had been realized and regretted hours after it happened.

“The bathroom is through there, and I think you’ll appreciate the tub.” He motioned toward a door and I crossed the room to check it out.

The room was almost as big as his bedroom. Covered in stone, it was as if the fixtures had all been carved from one slab, and the amount of plants in the place made it look more like a greenhouse than a bathroom.

“I could spend my time here,” I called to the bedroom, but turned to see him in the doorway. “I didn’t realize you liked so many plants.”

He tilted his head with an indifferent shrug. “Carl loves them. I think they’re nice, but I appreciate his artistry and give him free reign. You should tell him you like them. He’ll get a kick out of that.”

“I’ll make sure I do. I want them to like me.” As soon as the words left my lips, I wished I could pick them from the air and shove them back in. I didn’t want to sound like a dope or someone who needed approval. Truth was, I didn’t know if I’d be so welcoming in their position. “Maybe you should have warned them.”

“And be like a guest in my own home?”

“Well, I could offer to help Judy. I don’t mind a little housework.” I glanced around, wondering if I could find a speck of dust and shook my head. Nope, the woman had that chore well in check.

“I assure you, you’d only offend her. The only thing I’ve ever managed is cooking a few meals, so if you’re so inclined, she might let you near the stove.” He gave a short laugh and walked back into the bedroom.

I followed him out. “How many others are here?”

“You’ve met Joe and the staff, and then of course there are a couple of security guards who look after the grounds. Two stay in the guard shack at the main gate and there’s another at the gate to the winery. Sandra, my sister-in-law, will be here soon, as well as her son, Harbor, my nephew. I called them while you were sleeping in the car.”

My stomach tightened. I’d be meeting his family; my family, for all intents and purposes, who would surely know the nature of our marriage.

As if he could see the panic I so carefully shielded, he closed the distance between us and placed his hands on my arms. “It’s a lot to take in, I know. But we’ll be fine. We’re on the downward slope of this mess, so I want you to relax here and consider it an extended vacation.”

“Thank you.” I squeezed his hand, but then he stepped away.

He crossed the room to a set of double doors. “This is my home gym. You’re welcome to use it or the pool or the study downstairs. Make yourself-”

A commotion sent him running as Joe’s voice boomed out. I followed as he hurried down the stairs and into the front lobby where we could see that Joe had a man down on the ground outside on the steps.

“Daddy?” I rushed forward as Joe picked him up and my father jerked his arm away from Joe to hug me. He put me behind him protectively, and I held on to him to calm him down.

My father attempted to catch his breath, but it took him a minute. Finally, he pulled in a long one and steadied. “What kind of people are you? I knocked a dozen times. I only opened the door so you fools would hear me calling.”

Gabriel regarded Joe with a hard glare. “What the hell happened?”

“Before I could get to the door, he opened it. I wasn’t sure who he was, so I tackled him. Can’t be too careful.”

“He’s my father!”

Joe stepped forward and held out his hand. “My apologies, sir.”

Dad shook his hand and straightened his collar. “Well, at least I know you’re properly guarded.” He met Gabriel with a hard glare of his own. “I suppose you’re the man who married my daughter.” I imagined he’d left off a few of his other opinions.

I pinched his arm. “Dad.” Realizing Carl and Judy were also watching, I stepped toward Gabriel. “Dad, this is Gabriel Grant. Gabriel, this is my father, Jay Spencer.

“Pastor Jay Spencer,” Dad corrected. Gabriel stepped forward and offered his hand, which Daddy reluctantly took.

“It’s good to meet you, sir. Your daughter speaks fondly of you and I do want to apologize for this rough greeting. We’ve been under some stress from reporters.”

Dad kept the handshake short and sweet before hiking up his belt. “Yeah, well, they’re gathering at your gate.” He aimed his thumb toward the drive behind him.

“Dad, how did you get in?” I held my breath, hoping he wouldn’t embarrass me further with a story of how he’d climbed the fence, and Gabriel and Joe’s level stare told me the two of them were curious, as well.