“There is still someone out there killing women tied to me, so when we do get back, we’ll check in on our places and then we’re retreating to my vineyard home. It’s outside the city, but still local enough we can drive in when needed. Plus, it’s got all the security we need.”

I expected her to protest, but she relaxed her posturing and took a step back. “Is this the one in Temecula? My father lives in Murrieta, so at least I’ll be close by if he’d like to visit.”

I tossed back my drink and poured another. “Of course, and I know you were looking forward to having your friend fly out, but once we’re settled, she’s welcome there, too.” She nodded, and I leaned forward, planting a kiss on her cheek. “I want to take care of you.”

“I know. But I’m used to taking care of myself, and even though I’ve been a daddy’s girl, make no mistake that I took care of him as much as he took care of me.”

“I’ve no doubt. But I’ve also got a right to use my money how I want, and I am not taking no for an answer when it comes to making provisions. If you need anything, please ask. Let me do this for you, Luna.”

“Fine. When are we leaving?” The emotion caught up with her as she sagged against me. “I want to go home.”

“I’ve got Joe gassing up the car and asked him to be here within the hour. You better get a move on.” With one last peck on the mouth, she turned and went back to the bedroom.

I followed her into the room, gathering up my things. Her excitement was contagious. “I’m going to call my father and tell him the good news as soon as we’re in the car.” Her smile was ear to ear as the tossed her things haphazardly into her bag.

I took a bit more care, but hurried myself. As ready as I was to get back to my own place, I was more excited to share it with her and have her in my personal space: in my bed, my shower, my home office.

Twenty minutes later, she had all of her things neatly waiting by the door and she paced the floor in front of it as I did a final sweep of the room. “Joe will come up to walk us down, won’t he?”

“Of course; the persistent press is still lingering.” I checked the bedroom and bathroom and peeked inside the shallow closet.

“Why won’t they all go away?” I came out to find her peeking through the peephole. “Do you think they’ll see we’re leaving and follow us home like stray dogs?” I laughed as she backed away and threw me a glance. “Joe’s here!” She turned and grabbed her bags.

I opened the door for Joe, and he wasted no time taking the load from her hands. “I can get that,” he said, taking the larger bag.

I took a final look behind me to the honeymoon suite. My bride deserved so much better, and I vowed then and there to make the rest of our marriage, no matter how short-lived, much better.

Sure enough, as we entered the lobby, the reporters swarmed. I kept a hand on Luna as we made our way through them, tucking her tight against me as Joe muscled our way through to the car. The burning questions on their lips were not as much about the investigation as they were about our marriage.

Finally, we made it to the car; crawling inside was like a birthing experience from the tight crowd. In four hours, we’d be home. Together.

Chapter Twenty-One


The long ride back proved too much for me, and I woke when we reached our destination, resting my head against Gabriel’s shoulder.

All around, lush greenery hung from arbors and blooms of bright colors blew in the breeze, as if waving a welcome. We were stopped outside of the main entrance, and Gabriel opened the door and took my hand. “You’ll be nice and rested for your introductions,” he teased.


I peered out the doors and discovered Joe shaking hands with a man who was more around my father’s age than Joe’s. The man glanced around Joe’s shoulder, and when he met my eyes, he smiled and nodded, scratched his graying head, and then said something to Joe, though I couldn’t hear what was being said. Behind him, coming out of the door, was a woman; her hair was pulled back in a tight bun, and her smile was as tired as her eyes, though kind.

“That is Judy and Carl. They’re my staff here. I don’t keep anyone but Joe with me anywhere else, but this home needs special care. Judy was a lifelong friend of my mother’s, and Carl gave me my first job mowing lawns. He’s a groundskeeper. Does beautiful work, don’t you think?”

The place was as beautiful as anything I’d seen in a magazine, and as we stepped out of the car and forward to greet them, my nerves got the best of me. I clasped hold of Gabriel’s arm and he offered a smile of reassurance as we approached.

Gabriel shook Carl’s hand and offered Judy a warm hug. The two regarded him with pride and then met my eyes with curious hesitation. “I’d like you two to meet my wife, Luna.”

The introduction surprised me as much as it did them, and I thought for a moment that Carl would have to grab a shovel to dig Judy’s jaw out of the concrete below. The woman collected herself before offering a smile as she nodded. “It’s very nice to meet you.” She swept her hand to lead the way and stepped aside as Gabriel and I entered the house.

Behind me, I heard Carl whisper, “Well, done, Gabe.” When I glanced his way, he had a wide smile.

Gabriel kept his hand on my lower back and we walked into the front room of the house, which was warm and sunny, much like a dream, especially compared to the honeymoon suite we’d stayed in. “I do hope you’ll like it here. I think it’s a vast improvement over our past residence.”

“It’s beautiful. I don’t think I could ever be bored here.” The view alone would keep me busy for weeks. Around every corner was another intake of breath at a glorious view, and I couldn’t wait to see more.

“I’ll take you upstairs and show you to our room.” A part of me wanted to be excited by the idea of sharin