“I wish I could, Dad. I’ll be home soon.” I hated that he suggested coming to get me when I knew Gabriel would gladly pay his way, but I didn’t want him there. This was my space away from him, and I wasn’t sure he’d like seeing the situation firsthand.

“You keep promising. Tell me you’re safe.”

“I’m safe. Gabriel owns a security company and has a personal bodyguard.” I laughed to lighten the mood a bit.

“A security company whose cameras blink out when you need them.” His tone was unfair, but I couldn’t hold it against him.

“To be fair, Dad, his company is very reliable, and I’m fine, really.” I had to get him away from the subject. “How are things going at church? Did you write this week’s sermon yet?”

“Church is, as always, wonderful. The youth kids are supposed to be doing a fundraiser for camp, so they’ve got control of the pulpit for Sunday. I’m good with that, given my mood lately. No one likes a grumpy preacher.” No, they didn’t.

“Well, it’s good you get a break. It’s also nice to change it up now and then.”

“The youth pastor asked about you again. He’s a nice man, Luna. Someone you could have a nice time with and isn’t wanted for murder.”

“Are you actually trying to set your wedded daughter up on a date?” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“You said you’re getting the damned thing annulled. Besides, no one here knows about that yet. It’s none of their damned business.”

“I agree, but maybe let this whole thing blow over before setting me up on a date, okay?” I glanced up to see Gabriel had walked into the room. His expression was hard as he headed for the coffee pot.

“You’ll miss out on a good thing if you don’t get back to your normal life.” His voice rose, and I could imagine his eyes hard as he pointed to the floor or paced. It was usually how he lectured me.

“In my normal life, as you put it, you’ve never been so eager to set me up with anyone. And besides, it’s a bit ridiculous to set me up with Roland. He’s been your youth pastor for two years and all of a sudden, he’s boyfriend material.”

“Don’t take that tone with me. I’m concerned.” I had tried very hard to keep a good tone, but his was wearing me thin.

“I have to go eat. I’ll talk to you later.” I ended the call before he could get any more unreasonable or ridiculous.

“Who is Roland?” Gabriel’s hard expression came at a bad time.

“Oh, don’t you start. He’s the youth pastor at my father’s church and my father is just an old man whose concern for his daughter is making him crazy.”

“I’m an old man, and your father’s concern for his daughter is making me jealous. I don’t like him suggesting you date, especially since you’re my wife.” Gabriel stepped into the light of the window and bent down to give me a quick kiss.

When he pulled away, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face, as if his kiss had branded it there. “Well, when the annulment comes through, who knows what will happen.” I lifted an eyebrow gauging his response.

“I may not give you one.” He met my eyes

with the same challenging expression, and I wondered if he still wanted it.

Suddenly, the idea of it seemed to bother me more than I could explain, and I was thankful I didn’t have to. I didn’t want it to be a mistake that we had to fix. I wanted it to be a marriage based on love and mutual respect.

“Time will tell, I suppose.” I sipped my cup to keep him from seeing my frown.

“I’m going to jump in the shower before I order up breakfast. Maybe they’ll get the eggs right again. They were perfect yesterday.” I had the urge to follow when he wandered off to the other room.

Instead, I picked up my phone from my lap and dialed Kim’s number. Being Saturday, she’d have the day off, and I hoped the rest of her week looked promising for a visit.

She answered the phone and the music in the background poured through the phone until she turned it down. “Hey, Lu, tell me some good news.”

“Where do I start?” It felt good to have something sunny to share that wasn’t about the investigation.

“Anywhere. I can tell by the sound of your voice that it’s going to be juicy. Besides, I’m cleaning house and I’ve been at work all week. I’ve got nothing.” Her cleaning explained the loud music: it was her ritual.

“Well, I’m not sure if you’ll like part of it, but I hope you’ll be happy for me.” The lift of my voice gave me away, and through the phone, I heard a gasp.

“You slept with him, didn’t you?” Leave it to her to detect my tone.