Luna met my eyes with concern. “What if they won’t talk to me?”

“If that happens, I’ll call them myself. I don’t anticipate any issues, other than how long it could take them to respond. If they don’t know anything, I want them to ask around. Discreetly, of course, but someone has to know something. I’m sick of waiting for things to filter down.”

Mason sighed and rubbed his eyes as if he were growing tired of my impatience, but I couldn’t help it. I’m a man that gets things done. “It’s a long process for a reason, Gabriel. They need to get it right. A rush job is going to land you in jail instead of the killer: remember that.”

Luna placed her hand on my knee. “I’m starving. Let’s order something different today. I’m tired of delivery.”

“I’ll go pick up whatever you like,” said Mason. “Anything to keep Gabriel here from buying a restaurant.”

Joe got a chuckle from that. “I’ll drive you. There’s a great place across town with plate dinners to go and none of that fried crap I’ve seen going in here.”

“Sounds good to me.” Luna passed Joe her short stack of bills. “Take this and-”

“I’ve got the rest,” I said. Luna opened her mouth as if to protest, but I wasn’t having any of that. “You need to get used to me taking care of you.” As the words died on my lips, she frowned, and I couldn’t blame her. How could she trust that I’d be around to do so?

Mason and Joe got to their feet and wasted no time heading off on their mission, and Luna wasted no time telling me her opinions.

“You don’t have to start pampering me because of what happened between us.” She took a sip of her coffee as I slid myself closer.

“I bought you lunch before, and you didn’t have a problem.”

“You’re offering more than lunch. You were going to buy a house knowing how I feel about it. Sure, I’m a little bored here, but I’m feeling much better now that we’re closer.” She leaned in to give me a short peck on the mouth.

“You know, having a bit of company did wonders for your mood. What if, instead of paying for a house, I fly your father or a friend or whoever you want out to see you?” Her eyes lit with surprise and she laughed.

“I couldn’t see my father coming here, not unless you’re prepared to die, but maybe Kim could get some time off. I’d love for you to meet her.”

“Kim it is.” I shrugged, but she pulled me back to her mouth, as if to show her appreciation.

She pulled away, leaving me breathless. “Thank you!”

Making her happy filled me with pride. “Oh you better be careful.”

Her eyes widened and she leaned away. “Why?”

“If you keep kissing me like that, I’m not going to want to share you with anyone.” We shared a laugh as I pulled her back for more.

Chapter Nineteen


The day before had been so much fun. I hadn’t played poker in so long that I was surprised I’d won as much money as I had. The boys had insisted on playing for a little cash, and though I was hesitant at first, I went along with it.

Waking up to the sun shining in my window and Gabriel beside me was even better. He was finally sleeping so soundly that I decided to let him sleep. Sitting up, I realized my body was no longer tender from our sex and though I’d craved more, we’d only kissed and flirted since.

Being as quiet as possible, I tiptoed into the other room to make a fresh pot of coffee and unplugged my phone from the charging station. I needed to call my dad, and I stalled until my coffee brewed and I held a nice hot cup in my hands. I liked the view from the chair in the corner, and so that’s where I parked myself for the next ten minutes as I stalled a bit longer.

Knowing I couldn’t put it off any longer, I pulled up my dad’s profile and hit the call button. I missed him terribly and hoped he wouldn’t be upset me this time.

His hello was rough, as if he’d drank a cup of acid before speaking.

“Dad? Are you okay?”

“I’m good, just woke up.” I should have recognized his sleepy voice, but I’d been so worried about him, I’d automatically thought the worst.

It was good to hear his voice regardless, but I wasn’t sure what to say. A long, painful pause followed as I sipped my coffee.

“Why don’t you let me come and get you? I could bring you back here, and you could stay until this whole thing blows over. The media is already dying down; it’s hard to get any information about it. It was on the news a lot at first, and then again when this other woman was found, but now they’ve gone to the next story.”