“Nervous as in giddy, or nervous in a bad way?” Mason shrugged, glancing back and forth between us. “Maybe she had a crush on Gabriel?”

“Wouldn’t be the first one,” said Joe. “I’ve had to run a few off a time or two.” He leaned over to get an eyeful of the image. “I’ve seen her watching. Seemed harmless, didn’t get too close.”

Mason swiped the screen. “I’ll put a bug in the detective’s ear, but know this, Joe: he might want to talk to you.”

Joe shrugged and straightened his collar. “Not a problem. I’m sure they know where to find me.”

Joe was a good man, and I was confident I could depend on him to help my case. I glanced over to Mason, who was still skimming his phone. “What happened to her? The girl – Tammy was it?”

Mason nodded. “She was strangled and dumped three blocks from G2 headquarters.”

“So whoever did it thought she had a relationship with me and killed her. When that didn’t work, they came here to Vegas to do the job right. They had to have lured Cindy and Stacey here somehow.”

“The killer could have used you or the event as an excuse to get them here,” said Joe.

The man had a point. It was possible, but unlikely since Cindy would have said as much. Something didn’t sound right about the theory. “I’m not sure about that.”

Mason didn’t seem convinced, either. “Apparently, neither are the police. I think it’s why you remain a free man.”

My jaw set tight as I thought through every person I knew. I didn’t have any enemies I’d think would be capable of something like this, and nothing had seemed off about Cindy. “From the way she acted, I don’t think Cindy expected to see me.”

Luna rose and crossed the room toward the coffee. “Maybe she didn’t expect to see you with me.”

“I don’t doubt that, but she was surprised I was there. At least, that’s what it seemed like. I’m sure the police have asked their family and friends. Is there any way to find out?”

“Already on it,” said Mason.

I glanced down to the stained carpet and realized there was one more thing I needed his opinion on. “What would you think about another move? The media will find us wherever we go, but if we could get set up in a small home somewhere, something big enough to move around where Luna and I don’t feel so imprisoned… I could buy the place furnished and have the security installed.”

“I don’t think calling a realtor would hurt anything, given she keeps her mouth shut. But if anyone finds out you’re buying another property here, it could stir up the media again. Despite your security, you’d have to have men on the ground. I’m not sure Joe alone could handle it. No offense, man.”

Joe shrugged off the comment, not that it was anything malicious. Mason did have a point, though. A bigger place meant more security and more ground to cover. “I’ll call her after lunch. What kind of house would you like, oh wife of mine?”

Luna crossed the room and placed Joe’s refill on the table with hers. “Oh no: your money, your decision.” She held up a hand in protest. I could tell by her determined expression, the tight set of her jaw, and the straight line of her mouth, that she wasn’t having any part of it.

“Fine, I’ll make sure it has a library and a tub with jets. You’ll be all set.”

She narrowed her eyes as her smile dawned briefly. “A jet tub would be nice.”

Mason curled his lip, and it didn’t take a rocket scientist to see he was irritated by the whole idea. “Hopefully, the four of us will be headed back to the good old City of Angels sooner than we think. I’ve actually been pushing the idea, especially since LAPD is on the other case.”

“Anytime I’ve mentioned it to the detective, he gives me the same stern warning not to leave town.” The detective had seemed more than adamant about it.

Mason raked is hand through his blond hair before tapping his phone out of habit. “You’re a man who could easily flee the country, Gabriel. Much easier than you could buy and set up another home on a whim, which is apparently pretty damned easy.

“I say save your money and let me keep pressing. I’ll turn up the heat. He’s trying to keep you close for his convenience, and hearing you talk about dropping serious cash to be comfortable, I’m not so inclined to cooperate with his requests too much longer. I’ve only done so to try and take the heat off of you. Sticking around makes it seem like you have nothing to hide and aren’t afraid.”

Afraid? I normally wouldn’t be afraid of anything, but glancing at Luna, I realized I was afraid – for her. “Well, see what you can do. This has gone on long enough, and if they aren’t going to formally charge me, then I’m not spending any more time here than absolutely necessary.”

Mason slipped his phone back into his pocket. “I’ll let him know, but to be clear, my telling him that could make him decide it’s time to get a warrant. If that happens, it could be a very long time before you see LA again.”

Joe cleared his throat. “Wouldn’t he make bail?”

“This is a double homicide investigation; he’s lucky they haven’t slapped the cuffs on him already, and bail is not guaranteed. All it takes is one person trying to make an example of him, given h

is wealth, and he’d be locked up until a trial. Some things can’t be bought.”

“Well, I’m going to have Luna call the dispatch managers and see if they remember why this woman was let go. If it was the layoffs, it would have happened recently. But if it wasn’t, I’d like to know what happened.”