I hung up with him and searched the video again. I found the staffer and paused the video on him. Something was off about the guy, but I couldn’t place it.

I left it up and went to the bedroom door. I raised my hand to knock but decided against it. Why should I knock? This was my room and my wife on the other side of the door.

I turned the knob and pushed the thing wide. “Mason’s on his way. I’m ordering lunch soon, if you’re so inclined.”

She dropped her book to her chest and peered up at me with sleepy eyes. “Sure.”

“So, you slept, grabbed a quick shower and a cup of coffee, and got back into bed to read? That’s a hell of a vacation.”

“I was going to take a shower, but… I decided against it. I realized the beautiful tub was going to waste. Did you know it has jets?” She cocked her eyebrow but her mouth was still set in a tight line. “I was pruning before I got out. Then I called my friend, and now I’m passing the time.” I guessed she hadn’t wanted to be in the shower after our one together, and I supposed I couldn’t blame her.

She’d been holed up in the room, passing time and avoiding me. “Haven’t you already read that book?”

Her shoulder lifted casually and she turned another page. “Yeah, this is the third time. If I had known I’d be here this long, I’d have brought more than four.”

“How about I look for another room? Something else might be available by now. Or maybe I could find us a nice townhouse or condominium to buy? When we booked this place, it was all there was.”

“It’s fine. Stuck here, stuck there, it’s all the same. Besides, there’s no need to go through the trouble.” She glanced back down at the book and shook her head. “I can’t believe you offered to buy a house.”

I guess it did seem rather absurd, but I was only trying to make things better. We’d been cooped up too long and had started to wear on each other’s nerves. She’d been angry with me since refusing her, and once Mason left, we needed to talk.

“I’ll be out in a bit,” she said, as if it were a vow. Without further encouragement, I shut the door behind me.

Minutes later, Mason arrived. The guy strolled in dressed for court, and I wondered if he ever left the suit behind. “Nice threads.”

“So glad it meets your approval. I wasn’t sure what one wears to stare at a screen all day, but figured I may as well be ready to work in case we find anything.”

“Right, cause being comfortable never crossed your mind.” Not a day in his life. He’d always been perfectly tailored to the point I had often questioned the guy’s sexuality, but then his lust for women snuffed that suspicion.

“I am comfortable. Now, show me this suspect.” He crossed the room and lowered himself to the couch and leaned back as I stepped around the table to join him.

“There he is. There’s something off about the guy. I can’t place it, but you can tell he’s staff. Look at that vest.” All the staff wore the same red vest and bowtie.

“Look at the vest? I’m looking at the shoes; pants, too. Those aren’t standard issue. I used to work in a hotel years ago and the staff all had to wear the same clothes. I know for a fact that the standard dress there was black pants and shoes. His are jeans and those are some kind of work boots. Combat maybe?”

“That’s it. That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out. He could have thrown on the rest hopin

g no one would have noticed.” We were on to something. Had to be.

He leaned in to get a closer look. “Let’s call Detective Hatcher and see if this guy is already on their watch list.”

It would have been good to celebrate, but I wasn’t sure this was our guy. Whoever was doing this had to be someone I knew. “I wish I could make out his face better, but I don’t think I know him.”

Mason took out his phone. “Maybe you don’t. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know you.”

Chapter Seventeen


Mason had been around all night, and he and Gabriel were busy searching for theories in the other room. I’d long settled into bed when Gabriel opened the door. I turned over to face the wall and keep the light out of my eyes, and as suspected, he crossed the room and retreated into the bathroom.

The sound of the shower put me in a foul mood, remembering his rejection. If only I’d made a move to show him I was ready. I’d not deliberately held back, but I guess my lack of experience had done me in.

I’d imagined he was used to the kind of women who threw themselves at him, and the more I thought about it, maybe that’s what he thought he was marrying. I had let loose with the lap dance, and I wondered if it would take liquid courage to lose my virginity. No, that hadn’t worked so far. If anything, it made me look like a fool and led to misconceptions about my experience.

He opened the door minutes later, and I glanced over my shoulder as he eased himself down on the bed. The light from the bathroom spilled into the room, and I could see that his expression was grim. “We need to talk.”
