“No, I’d prefer you stay at my house. Unless your dad wants Joe lurking around and added security, it would be for the best. I’m not leaving you out there unprotected. I wouldn’t be able to make it knowing there was a chance that whoever is out there hurting women who are associated with me might find you.”

I hadn’t wanted to think about it before, and I’d wondered if she realized she’d be a target, too. The way she drew in on herself, tucking her chin and pulling her shoulders forward, I thought it might be sinking in.

She shook her head. “I’ll be fine. But if it makes you feel better, I’ll let you make the arrangements. I’m still hoping it doesn’t come to that.”

“You and me both.” I tilted her chin upward and captured her mouth hard. Her breath hitched as she took it deeper. I hoped to God it wasn’t the last time I tasted her.

Chapter Fifteen


After the police came and took Gabriel away, I’d had Joe drive me down to the station to find out if they had officially arrested him. After waiting an hour to talk to someone, they sent me home, stating that he’d been picked up for questioning primarily on the LA case. Picking him up was a formality and there hadn’t been any arrest in the system yet. All I could do was wait, but they’d call.

Not even Mason would tell me anything, and for the short time I was in the same room with him, he’d stayed busy speaking with other lawyers and talking it up with the cops.

When I couldn’t take the smell of stale coffee and sterile floor cleaner any longer, I had Joe drive me back to the hotel. He walked me in and sat with me a while, but as the day turned into night, he went to watch the door out in the hallway when the persistent reporter returned.

Would this be what my life would be like? Would I have to sit and wait on him to return from prison? Knowing he’d put me up in a home was little consolation, and no fancy place would be a substitute for him. Besides, I loved my job. Being his assistant was hard work and lots of fun.

In a way, I wished that time could go back. But as I put my hand to my lips, remembering his mouth there against me, I knew I wouldn’t want to change that part of it all. Too bad we couldn’t pick and choose and reboot the rest.

I paced the room hundreds of times as the evening wore on and only stopped now and then to check the news outlets. There wasn’t any new news, other than what I already knew. Considering how they’d screwed things up before, at least they’d gotten it right so far.

It wasn’t all for worry. I missed him, too. I hadn’t thought I could feel that way, but there it was. It burned in my chest and welled up with my tears. I thought of his kisses and how my body had responded. I wanted more than his mouth, and as the warmth spread through me, I wondered what it would be like to make love to him. I imagined his hands on me, caressing me, entering me, and how I’d respond.

I’d been the good girl, hell, I’d even waited for marriage, and with my father’s disappointment in check, there wasn’t anything else holding me back. There was no doubt I’d give myself to him.

What if I neve

r got that chance? What if they kept him and he granted my annulment from prison? Would I have to touch him through glass? All of the thoughts threatened to take me down, but I stayed on my feet, determined to stay strong…even if I had to walk a rut in the floor.

Finally, the gods smiled on me and there was a commotion out in the hallway. I heard Joe’s friendly tone and then the shouts of the reporter as I stood near the door, waiting for it to swing open.

I held my breath, and as my eyes met Gabriel’s, I rushed forward. I didn’t have far to go because he did the same, pulling me up into his arms until my feet left the floor. A quick glance behind him, and I watched as Mason smiled and shut the door, leaving us alone.

Gabriel didn’t hold back or pause to say goodbye. He found my mouth and kissed me hard, then pulled away and held me.

He placed me on my feet, but didn’t let go. “I didn’t think I’d ever get out of that place.”

“I know. Is it over?” I stared at him with hopeful eyes.

Shaking his head, he stroked my hair. “Not yet, but I’m done sitting on my hands.”

“I don’t blame you. I’ll help you any way I can.” I locked my arms around his shoulders and stared up into his eyes. “I really missed you.”

A tired smile spread his lips, and he released a low growling sound. “Did you?”

I nodded, and he found my lips again. This time, I gripped his hair and held him to me, stroking my tongue against his. Instead of going hard and deep, I caressed his mouth with mine, kissing down his stubbly chin and to his neck before finding his lips again.

Our eyes met, and he smiled. I started walking backward toward the bedroom door, and his eyes widened with surprise. “You want to take a shower with me?”

It wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, but the idea excited me. I’d never done anything like that before, and in the past my low self-esteem would have never allowed it.

He must have read the uncertainty in my expression because he gave me another quick peck. “We can take things slow, Luna.” I nodded again, and we went into the bathroom. While I slipped out of my shoes, he turned on the shower.

Once he seemed satisfied with the temperature, he turned to shrug out of his jacket. He loosened his tie, and I stopped what I was doing as he unbuttoned his shirt to slip it off. He laughed and stepped closer, his fingertips brushing my waist as he pulled my blouse up over my head and tossed it to the floor.

I took in every inch of his body, my eyes lingering down along his abs and back up across his chest to his strong shoulders. He unbuttoned my slacks and smiled before moving his hand to his own button.