“Someone’s got it in for me, and I’m sitting here like a fool playing fucking house and letting it happen!” I shot to my feet, bumping the coffee table, which sent my cold cup of coffee from hours ago spilling to the floor. Luna’s flinch made me feel like a real asshole.

I went to the bar and poured a drink, and when I turned around, Luna was on her knees sopping up the coffee with a bar towel. “Dammit, just leave it.” I hated to see her on her knees cleaning up my mess. She met my eyes, but shook her head and continued to dab the rug.

“Easy, friend; I believe you.” Mason sat forward and folded his hands. “I don’t know what this family’s problem is, but we’ll get to the bottom of it.

“In the meantime, I need you to think about how you’ll handle this down at the station. They’re coming for you, and they’re gonna come hard.” He stood to his feet and crossed the room to pour himself a shot.

After he downed the liquid, he placed the glass back on the table and met my eyes. “I’m not going to lie to you, friend. There’s a good chance you’ll be arrested this time, and I need you to prepare for the worst.” He poured another.

“Hope for the best,” said Luna from her knees. Mason nodded and downed the next one.

“I’m going to go out for some fresh air, but I’ll be back as soon as I hear more. I’ve asked the detective to call me when they hit the elevator. They won’t give us too much time, but at least you can prepare to meet them at the door.”

He released a long breath and he and Luna exchanged a strained look, as if the two were helpless to help me. And, they were. Neither could do a thing.

After Mason left, I crossed the room where Luna still dabbed the mess. “Stop it. I’ll call the cleaning service.” I reached down and grabbed her hands, stilling them and bringing them together until I was able to take the bar towel she’d used from her hands.

She jerked away and met my eyes. “I feel helpless. It’s like I need to do something, anything, to help make this all better, but I know I can’t.” She stared down at the spot. “At least cleaning the rug is useful.”

I pulled her into my arms. “You’re the only thing keeping me grounded right now. Without you here, I think I’d lose my fucking mind. So, don’t you ever feel that way with me, okay?” She nodded, and I drew her in close and held her.

It was nice to have someone to hold when everything seemed to be collapsing around me, and it was as if by holding her, I held myself together. The last time I’d felt this way was when my brother Robert died. I hadn’t felt as helpless since, not even at the start of all of this.

A memory of Robert came to mind and the sinking feeling started to grip tighter, threatening to pull me under. The pain and guilt from his loss still haunted me, but I had to be strong.

Her arms trembled around me and I brought my hands up to warm them, rubbing the chills away. “It’s going to be okay. They won’t keep me, Luna. I swear I don’t know that name. I’ve never met that girl, and I think her family is just distraught and trying to place the blame.”

Her head bobbed against my arm as she nodded. “I believe you, and I think you’re right.”

“About this girl’s family?”

“No, that someone is framing you and we’re wasting time when we could be looking into things a lot closer.” The words surprised me, but I loved the sound of them.

I leaned my head down to meet her eyes. “Mason’s had my hands tied, but I’m not going down without a fight.”

“I’ll help you any way I can. We’re in this together.” She spoke with such conviction that I couldn’t help myself; I brought my mouth down to hers.

“Thanks for being here for me, Luna. I know you don’t have much choice, but you’ve been amazing, and it’s good to have someone to depend on. The last person I could rely on was my brother, and I guess with everything going on, I’ve missed him more than normal.”

She tilted her head and gazed up with a thoughtful glance. “I bet he was amazing.”

“He was the best.” I nodded and closed my eyes, imagining him. When I did, I would always picture him on his last day, the last time I’d seen him. If only I’d driven out to the client’s house and let him have his day off, then he’d be there with me.

“It’s times like these I miss my mom, too.” Luna’s voice was gravelly with emotion. I’d never known what happened to her mother, but knew it was a painful loss. Now wasn’t the time to pry, though. Besides, I didn’t feel like having to share my brother’s story. It was time to change the subject before we were both in tears.

“Well, the good news is, if they do arrest me, you’ll be free to go home.” I brushed her hair away from her face and stared down into her eyes as she frowned. The depths of blue were bottomless as the tears welled up and they ringed red.

“Don’t say that, Gabriel. What am I supposed to do if that happens? What about my job and the marriage? Do I wait it out?”

“I hate to ask you to, but that’s all I can do. But I do want you to go home, and I’ll make arrangements for you. I’m sure the press will be all over you.” The thought of anyone harassing her made my blood boil, and my jaw clenched knowing I would be helpless to protect her from it. Unless…

“It might be best for you to stay at my house, and I’ll have Joe watch over you.” Joe had been my personal guard for years, knew the insides and outs of all my homes, and of course I wouldn’t want anyone else driving me. He was a real pro, and by that I mean he used to drive cars with me when we did stunt work back in the Hollywood days of my life. She’d be in good hands.

“I like Joe. He tells me about the jobs he’s done and his daughter. He’s even told me about you back in the day.”

“Yeah, we pulled some stunts. I lasted about a year before going into security. I thought it would be the safer route in life. Look at me now. I’d rather be in a free fall off a twelve-story building than facing an arrest.”

After a quiet moment, she stepped back. “I could stay with my dad. He might prefer it, and I don’t want to put you or Joe out.”