I’d stared at my phone for hours perusing the news, which seemed to be dying down a tad. I imagined that would change after they caught wind of our Vegas-style wedding. Just thinking about it made my heart sink to a bottomless depth of regret and sadness. I wanted to make sure there wasn’t one theory or claim of a wedding.

I remembered the couple in the hotel hallway who had asked me where my husband was. I had thought they were mistaken, but apparently they’d been at my wedding. A fuzzy vision of them sucking back cocktails and cheering us on came to mind. If they knew, then perhaps someone else had caught wind. Maybe even the Vegas, Baby! Wedding Chapel had leaked the story. As I searched every major outlet, I came up with nothing.

I couldn’t stall forever, but telling my father about my mistake would be easier if it wasn’t the scandal of the century, and I hoped that it never would be. If we could keep this little detail quiet, at least until Gabriel was no longer a suspect, things would be much easier. Not that living in hiding had proven easy so far, but with it dying down, we might be able to get home sooner rather than later.

The only other hope I’d seen were a few articles saying the police had questioned a few others and had new leads. While the articles still listed Gabriel as a suspect, it seemed he was not the only person they were looking at.

My phone went off, buzzing wildly and vibrating in my hand, and after I got over the unexpected shock, I smiled at Kim’s picture.

I’d contemplated calling her all morning, but it didn’t seem right talking to her before I talked to my dad. As I said hello, I was already preparing to spill my guts.

“I have been sitting here all morning feeling like I needed to call.” Kim had always had a sort of sixth sense, especially when it came to her family and friends. “Please tell me everything is okay.”

“Everything is okay.” I tried to put my all into it, but as she let out a sound of disbelief, I knew she wasn’t buying it.

“I’m going to pretend I believe you for a minute and ask how it’s going instead. I haven’t heard from you in days; I figured you’d be home by now.”

I sank down in the covers, seeking shelter from the bomb I was about to drop. I figured it was best to let it go and hope for the best from my casualties. “Gabriel and I are married.” The words didn’t seem real as they slipped out of my mouth, sprouted wings, and flew into her ear. In the silence, I imagined it was taking some time to sink in.

She cleared her throat, and waiting for her to speak was the longest minute of my life…although I hadn’t called my dad yet. Yeah, that was sure to go over well.

“Let me hear that again,” she said keeping her tone calm.

“I said that Gabriel and I are married.” When the silence stretched out, I assumed she was hoping for an explanation, but as I opened my mouth to speak, she flipped out.

“You married a potential murderer! Are you kidding me? What did he talk you into? Does he think this is going to help his defense?” She fired so many questions at me that I didn’t even try to answer them. I waited for her to stop talking first.

“He didn’t talk me into anything. It happened the night of the murders, not since. He’s been sitting on the information hoping this other would blow over. I forgot all about it and-”

“You forgot you married him? That must have been one hell of a night, Lulu.” Her use of my nickname said that even though she was completely and utterly disappointed in me, she still cared.

“You don’t know the half of it. I didn’t remember that part of the night until he reminded me, but it’s slowly coming back.” I had remembered most of the ceremony since retreating to my room, and even though it was a themed-party nightmare, with strangers as guests, I’d felt pretty special at the time.

“So, tell me all about it? I guess this means I don’t get to be your maid of honor. Tell me it was someone famous, like Celine Dion, or at least a look-alike.” Her love of Celine had always been lost on me.

“No, I didn’t have one. Not unless you count this strange couple, we didn’t have anyone there for us.” I drew in a deep breath as that sank in. “I wish you could have been there. You’d have talked some sense into me.”

“Honey, he’s a billionaire. I would have pushed you out of the way and said the ‘I do’ myself. But seriously, I can’t believe you forgot your entire wedding and he didn’t feel the need to remind you as soon as possible.”

“He wanted to tell me, but then he was dragged into this murder investigation and-”

“And, he realized he could use it as an alibi. Why would he leave his bride and honeymoon to go murder his past? What if he did it because he needed the alibi?” Her words sank in, and I shot up in bed as anger shot through me.

“It wasn’t like that. Apparently, we had feelings for each other; is that so hard to believe? You know yourself I’ve always thought he was attractive. Besides, I remember it now. And well, the feelings are still there, at least on my part.”

“So you’re going to stay married?”

Her question cut through me like a knife, and I eased myself back against the pillows. “No, we’re going through with the annulment, but that’s because it was too impulsive.” The thought of it hurt my heart and a part of me questioned whether she was right. Was I being used?

“I wouldn’t give him one. Not without a hearty settlement.” I couldn’t believe she’d say that. I shook my head and got to my feet to pace the room.

“I’m not out for his money. I only want to keep my job and pretend this never happened.”

She mumbled some disapproving words under her breath and finally spoke up. “But you have feelings for him.”

“It doesn’t matter what I feel; it’s not enough to stay married. I have no plans of taking advantage of his wealth.” She knew me too well to think I’d be that way and as my disappointment set in, she continued.

“He’s got billions, Lu: billions. He can afford to pay you for your time. I mean, you’re practically a prisoner.” Not being able to leave had been pretty bad, but being with Gabriel, especially now that we’d decided to share the bed, wasn’t so awful.