
Other than a few words, Luna hadn’t talked to me for three days, and the two of us had retreated to separate areas of the suite. I kept waiting for word from Mason, but since he’d gotten the two of us settled in the new suite, he’d flown back to LA to check on his family and a few other clients. He promised he’d return before the end of the week, though.

With Luna not talking, and since I had my briefcase, I decided to work on a few deals I had upcoming. Unfortunately, two of them had heard the news and asked for an extension.

I couldn’t blame them. No one wanted their security in the hands of a potential murderer, and I assured them that after the misunderstanding was cleared up, I’d be in touch. Luckily, none of my existing accounts had backed out on me, and I made sure to call a few of my clients to assure them everything was going to be fine.

I missed having Luna’s help, but whatever pit of emotions she was wallowing in, I had no time for it. I’d heard the TV go off and on every night and her phone ring, but other than her coming out to grab her food, or when I passed through on my way to the bathroom, there was no interaction.

I should have told her about the lap dance, but I didn’t think it was a big deal, and not a big enough deal to go days without speaking to me. She had to be as bored in her room as I was. Things couldn’t go on this way. As soon as Mason got back, I’d have to clear up the marriage, no doubt pissing her off further, but I hardly felt it was a big deal considering we didn’t even consummate the damned thing.

I supposed she at least had a right to know. Part of me thought waiting for Mason was a perfect idea. If there were any legal threats, it would be best if he were there to hear them. However, if I let another minute go by without telling her, then what kind of person was I? She already thought I was scum for letting her get nasty on th

e pole for me, so I couldn’t imagine what kind of wallop I’d get for this. At least it would get us talking.

I dropped my pen in my case and closed my planner before tidying up my papers. It was only busy work, something to stall me from facing the music. I stood and crossed the room, and knocked on the door.

“Luna?” I walked in and found her propped up in the bed, leaning back against the mound of pillows with a book in her hand. “We need to talk.”

“As long as I’m a prisoner to your investigation, I’m staying to myself.”

“Come on, you have to be bored out of your mind in here.” I looked around the room and noticed she not only had the book she held, but three others and her laptop. With all of those things plus her phone, her prison room was as good as a vacation suite.

“I’m perfectly capable of keeping myself busy. Besides, I’m hoping this punishment doesn’t last that much longer.” She sat up straight and turned a page in her book.

Was it so bad being stuck in a fancy hotel suite with me? Before I could respond, the door opened in the next room and I heard Mason’s voice. “Honey, I’m home.”

I left Luna to her novel and went to meet the guy. “You have any news for me?”

“Only that we’re waiting for the time of death to officially come through. Those assholes think they’re making us sweat by taking their time, but I’ve got news for them.” Mason placed his briefcase down on the coffee table before sitting down on the couch. As I lowered myself in front of him, Luna came out of her cave and crossed the room to lean on the sofa arm.

“Please tell me I can go home soon.”

“No, ma’am. You’re going to have to call in another week, I’m afraid. Good thing your boss is an understanding man.”

“I wouldn’t say that.” She regarded her fingernails and then the floor.

“Okay, enough with the cold shoulder. I didn’t force you to strip off your damned shirt and grind a pole, and it certainly wasn’t my idea for the lap dance.”

Her eyes met mine as they narrowed. “Well, you certainly didn’t discourage it.”

“Why should I? Despite your delusions of being virtuous, it was harmless.”

Mason slammed down his briefcase and the two of us turned our heads to see his rather bored expression.

“Could you two children stop bickering for five minutes and please pay attention? While we’re waiting on the damned evidence to roll in, could you please call a truce so we can figure out our best course of action? If this time of death doesn’t match up, I’m going to need you to say that you were with him.”

“I can’t do that.” She lifted her shoulder.

“You know I was right here with you.” The casual way she disregarded me made me want to scream. “How can you not trust me?”

“I trust you, Gabriel. I don’t think you murdered anyone. But the fact remains that I don’t remember the whole night, and I don’t feel like committing a crime to keep you in the clear. If this goes to trial, I’d be committing perjury if I said otherwise.”

Mason held up a finger as if to make a point. “Not necessarily. Phrasing is everything. You could simply say that to the best of your knowledge, he was right beside you all night. As long as you stop saying you don’t remember, you’ll be in the clear.”

“But I don’t remember. Isn’t that the basic truth?” She shook her head and looked down to her hands where she picked at her fingernails. The things looked horrible, with peeling polish and all of their lengths mismatched instead of their usual uniformed look.

“Ah, but it’s only the basic truth because you don’t know any better, and if you leave it at that, it lends to the idea that he wasn’t with you all night. You need to lend to the idea that he was.”