Saying those words brought back the night before and the memory of her reddened cheeks and warm smile as she said I do.

I could only hope she wouldn’t be angry when I finally told her, but over the phone seemed like the wrong way to do it.

“I’ll be waiting,” she said. And as the phone went quiet, I knew I owed her so much than even I could ever give.

Chapter Seven


The knock on my door brought me to my feet, but I hesitated to answer. Peeking through the tiny hole, I recognized Mason Whatley, Gabriel’s handsome blond attorney with impeccable style, and opened the door. “I’m ready.” I walked away and gathered my things in a hurry as he stepped in and closed the door to shut out the reporter who was being persistent.

“Do you have sunglasses? I’d suggest you put them on. The crowds are onto me. I’m afraid getting you back to the new suite is going to be a challenge, and after that, they’ll surely be onto our new location.”

Mason took my suitcase as I grabbed my carry-on and purse and slung them on my shoulder before picking up the briefcase. Good thing I packed light because I couldn’t say the same for the heavy case. “Keep your head down and don’t let go of me.”

We took a deep breath, and he threw the door open. Sure enough, the man who had camped out all night had called his buddies and the crowd outside my door was growing. We headed for the elevator and if we were lucky, we’d stay one step ahead of them all.

I closed my eyes on the way down and tried to steady my breathing. The crowd was only going to be worse below, and I hoped Mason had parked close. He took out his phone and had his driver ready. Minutes later, we were ducking through the crowds as cameras flashed, and I was grateful to finally get into the limo.

Before I could get myself righted in my seat, my phone rang. I figured it was Gabriel, but when I glanced at the screen, I saw it was an unfamiliar number. I answered it and held my breath.

“Ms. Spencer. This is Detective Hatcher. My partner, Detective Schaffer, spoke with you earlier, and I’d like to have a chance to speak with you. I can send a car if you need, but I’d like you here within the hour.”

My heart dropped to my stomach like a rock, and I nodded as I responded as if the man could see me. “Yes, Detective, I understand. I’m actually in the car now, so I won’t need a ride.” Mason’s head swung around and he narrowed his eyes. “Yes, thank you.” I hung up and held the device in my lap.

“He wants me to come in for questioning.” I raked my hand through my hair and wondered if we had time to go get Gabriel first.

“Dammit. Do you even have representation?” Mason fidgeted with his cuff before brushing off his pants.

“No. I’ve never needed any.” I looked through my phone to see if there was anyone I could call, but came up short aside from my father and Kim.

“I’ll help you out for now, if you like. But if it becomes a conflict with Gabe, I’ll have to drop you. Don’t worry; if that happens, I’ll find you a respectable replacement.”

I wanted to ask him to define

respectable before refusing his offer, but I had no one else to help me. Besides, he’d been good to come to get me and was taking care of me so far. I wouldn’t let the man’s reputation hinder the situation.

Besides, despite his womanizing ways, Mason was the best lawyer I knew, and he’d helped Gabriel win a recent court battle. More importantly, he helped keep it quiet, too. “Thanks.”

“No need. I’m sure things are going to be fine.” He called up to the driver and told him our newest destination, and I sank back in the soft leather and tried to relax my nerves.

Lucky enough, there wasn’t much of a crowd at the police station, and we made it in the building without issue.

Detective Schaffer approached and led me down to a private room. It was small and closet-like with a table and three chairs. The security camera overhead was black and bore the gold G2 logo. I turned off my phone while the woman ducked out and then a minute later, a tall, older man with graying hair came into the room and took a seat.

“Hello, Ms. Spencer, we spoke on the phone. I’m Detective Hatcher. I’d like to ask you a little about what happened last night, particularly your whereabouts after midnight.” He glanced at a stack of papers he’d carried in and placed them on the table between us. I glanced down, but couldn’t make anything out and didn’t want to stare too long.

I swallowed a hard lump in my throat and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “I am afraid I don’t remember very much. I had a little bit too much to drink.”

“I think you’d do best to try and jog your memory. My partner claims she found you in the suite? She thinks you were there while we took Mr. Grant in earlier.”

“I was ill. I was in the bathroom and then I took a shower, but yes, I spent the night.” I hated the expression he gave and wondered what exactly he was thinking.

“Well, that’s understandable with you traveling together and all.” His eyes lingered on my hands that were placed on the table. I placed them in my lap and shifted in my seat. “During the course of the night, where all did you and Mr. Grant go?”

As nervous as I was, I choked out a laugh. “I’m sorry, I don’t remember anything much after the first couple of hours.” His brow cocked, and he glanced at me sideways as if gauging my sincerity.

“Well, that’s very interesting indeed because Mr. Grant has stated that the two of you hung out in the bar for a fair amount of the night, gambled at the casino, and then went across the street to the Vegas, Baby Wedding Chapel before going to the gentlemen’s club in the back of the casino bar.”