“He didn’t do it, Dad. He’s a good man and this is all a terrible misunderstanding and mistaken identity. There has to be a good excuse.”

A frustrated groan of disapproval sounded from his end. “You can’t be sure of that. I understand you work for the man, Lu, but you never know someone or what someone is capable of.”

“I know Gabriel.” I couldn’t tell him that I knew Gabriel was innocent because he’d been with me the entire night. That would kill him – and then he’d kill me. Or worse, drop dead and haunt me.

“Well, I hope you’re right. I hope this doesn’t affect your job, but I feel I have to warn you, honey, you need to be thinking of your options if this doesn’t die down anytime soon. If he goes on trial, you’re going to have to distance yourself from him. It might be best to move on to something as soon as possible regardless, what with the way he’s being portrayed in the media. It’s ugly.”

I thought about the man outside my door and nodded in agreement. My head, which had only let up slightly since morning, began to throb again. “I’ll keep you informed and I’ll be home as soon as possible. Trust me when I say there is no place I’d rather be. I’m sorry this has all happened.”

“No, don’t be sorry. You can’t help what’s happened. Just know that I love you and call me when you know more.”

“I love you, Daddy.”

He responded in kind and the phone went silent on the other end as my stomach growled. I wasn’t even sure that Gabriel had made it as far as ordering my breakfast before the cops took him away, but it was well into the afternoon now, and with the headache returning, I needed something in my stomach so I could take a painkiller.

I called down for something to eat, asking if they could bag it as takeout. I knew it would be easier to open the door a bit and slip a bag inside rather than deal with the reporter who had taken up a new home outside my door.

While I waited for it to arrive, I decided to gather my things. As soon as I had the all-clear to go home, I was going to be on the first plane.

My father had a point: I needed to figure out what I c

ould do if my work with Gabriel wasn’t going to continue – and that was not because of the arrest, but because of what happened between us. I’d have to tell him it couldn’t go on and apologize for making a fool of myself by getting drunk and see what he had to say.

By the time I got my clothes refolded, I heard a knock at the door. I got up and crossed the room, feeling a bit unsteady on my feet from lightheadedness, which was no doubt from my empty stomach and pounding head. I peeked out to see if it was room service and sure enough, the reporter was still standing against the wall across the hall waiting for a chance to pounce.

I opened the door a smidge and accepted the food. Once he had placed it in my hands, I promptly tipped him and shut the door. No need to make room for anyone else to push their way in, but the man who’d been waiting for me did have time to throw out a question. As I stood against the closed door, I processed his words. Were you with Mr. Grant all night? Of course I had been, but I couldn’t engage with a reporter or I could surely kiss my job goodbye.

I crossed the room and took my food from the bag and placed it on the table. Thank the heavens for cheeseburgers, and as I opened mine and took a bite, my phone rang again.

Kim Dailey had been my friend since college and as soon as I saw her smiling face and edgy purple hair appear on my phone’s screen, I felt a pang in my chest. I’d tried to call her only to get her voicemail, and I was so relieved to finally get to speak to her. She had long been my rock and my inspiration, and now I needed a good strong shoulder to cry on.

I swiped my screen and put the phone to my ear. “It’s so good to hear back from you.”

“Girl, please tell me that I’m dreaming. Gabriel Grant is being questioned for double murder?” She said the words as if reading a headline. “It’s all over the news sites and TV.”

“Yeah, tell me about it. I’m holed up in my hotel room. There are reporters everywhere, and I’m only now getting to eat, so excuse me while I stuff my face.” I took a huge bite of the burger, and as I savored the taste, I wanted to cry. It was the first real moment of the entire day – it’s strange how food and your best friend can do that.

“You poor thing. Has anyone even told you anything? Did you go down to the police station?”

“No, not yet. I’m scared to leave this place. The investigator gave me a card and told me to stick around and that she’d be in touch. I haven’t heard anything yet, and I’m still not sure how they’ll get back in touch with me.”

Kim made a sound of disapproval. “They have your information from the front desk, I’m sure. You should sit tight, as bad as that sounds. I’d make them come to me. Have you even tried to call Mr. Grant?”

“I tried a few times, but I couldn’t reach him. I’m afraid to try if he’s being questioned still. I’m giving it another hour and then I’ll try again, but I’m sure he’ll reach out as soon as possible.”

“Well, at least you can tell them that you don’t know anything. What did you do last night after the event?” I knew what she expected me to say. I wasn’t the party type and if it had been any normal night, I’d have come straight back to my room and spent the evening reading a good book.

“Actually, we went out and celebrated.” I’d longed to have something juicy to tell my friend about a night out on the town, but now I couldn’t even remember the good time, and it was hardly a day for idle gossip.

“Really? Celebrated how? No, no don’t tell me – nice dinner, a little champagne?”

“Yes, and yes.” As my voice fell on the final affirmative, a groan of worry came through from Kim.

“You don’t sound like that went well, and I’m assuming it’s more than the fact Mr. Grant got arrested.” The long pause of silence that followed had me taking a deep breath to explain. “Tell me everything.”

“Well, you know I don’t drink, so you can imagine what the champagne did. I was so caught up in the fun and being with Gabriel on that level that I guess I overdid it.”

“Overdid it how?” Her tone had dropped a few octaves showing her concern.