gs like two adults. But as I looked around the suite, I realized he was gone. His bags were still there, even his belt. I went to the window of the balcony door, but he wasn’t out there, either. Glancing down, there was a crowd of people and police cars.

Suddenly, behind me, the door to the suite opened up and a team of people barged their way in.

“Excuse me?” I held the robe tight at my chest and they seemed just as surprised as I was. “What’s going on?”

“Um, who are you?” A dark-haired young man stepped closer and waved to a Hispanic woman who came into the room. He brought her attention to me before stepping away like I had the plague.

“I’m Luna Spencer. This is my boss’s room. I’m afraid he’s stepped out.” The team of people began rifling around as the woman stepped up and extended her badge.

“I’m Detective Carla Schaffer. My partner and I were here earlier. So you’re his assistant, and you’re here for the security event?” Her brows rose as her lips pursed like she was anticipating my response.

“Yes, G2 Security Corps. We hosted an event here at the hotel. This is Mr. Grant’s personal suite.” I didn’t think I had to explain that any further as the woman shook her head. She must have known that Gabriel owned this particular suite and that his company did all of the security for this entire chain of hotels. “What’s this all about?”

“Do you know Cindy Clarke and Stacey Boyd?” She crossed her arms and lifted her chin; her eyes narrowed as if she were gauging my expressions, as well as my responses.

“I have heard of them both, but no, I do not know them personally. They were acquainted with Mr. Grant in the past.”

“They were his girlfriends.” The way she stated the fact made me wonder if I was supposed to be fazed by the information. She looked around the room and then back at me. “Do you normally stay in your boss’s private suite when you travel for work?”

Her glance was equally accusing as her tone. “No, I don’t make it a habit. I was using the shower. Is Gabriel coming back?”

“Gabriel?” She smiled, like my use of his first name gave scandal to the situation. “He’s been taken downtown for questioning.”

My mouth popped open, and I gripped my robe tighter. “Excuse me? Has he been arrested?”

She crossed her arms and lifted her chin to look down her nose at me. “How well do you know your boss, Ms. Spencer? Have you worked for him long? Do the two of you have an intimate relationship?”

Her questions were making me nervous. I had no idea what kind of hot water answering anything she asked could put me in, much less Gabriel.

I decided I’d cooperate as much as possible and hope for the best. “I’ve worked for Mr. Grant for two years, and I think I know him well enough.” I left the last question unanswered, mostly because I didn’t know the answer myself, and how pathetic was that?

She smiled. “I don’t know how long you intended on being in Vegas, Ms. Spencer, but I’d make plans to stick around. I’m sure we’ll want to interview you, too.” She reached in her pocket and pulled out a card and passed it to me.

Another young man entered the room in a hurry. “Detective, they need you back downstairs. They are ready to move the bodies out.” Bodies? My heart stopped.

“What’s this about? Why has Gabriel been taken in?” I grabbed the woman’s arm before she could get too far away, and she cut her glare to me suggesting I had better unhand her immediately. I decided that was a good idea before I got arrested.

“This is a murder investigation, Ms. Spencer. We’ll be in touch.” She turned and hurried out of the room, leaving me with the group of people who were no doubt looking for evidence.

“Excuse me,” I called to the young man who I’d talked with before. “I’m going to gather my things to leave.”

“That’s fine, ma’am, but show me your things. I’ll get a few pictures, clear the items, and you can be on your way. This isn’t an official crime scene, but as part of the investigation, I need to make sure everything has been checked out.” He gave me a sympathetic smile; his expression seemed to regard the fact that I was only in a bathrobe.

I led him to the bathroom where he took a few photos of the clothes I’d left piled up on the counter before stepping out so I could get dressed. After, I went back into the bedroom and stepped around to the far side near the closet and grabbed my bag.

Noticing Gabriel’s briefcase, I casually picked it up as if it were my own. I knew it might be wrong to take anything of his, but the very idea that the man was a murderer was ridiculous.

Besides, I knew how important the case was to his work. The papers for his new deal were in there along with so many other important things. It seemed wrong to leave it. If this was a frame up, who knows who would try to find something like this laying around. It would be a goldmine in the right hands.

The man took a picture of what I was leaving with, but that was all he did. I held my breath thinking he might ask to peek inside, but he didn’t. Instead, he returned to searching the other side of the suite.

I managed to get out of the room with it and hoped Gabriel wouldn’t be upset that I’d taken it along. The elevator was full of people, all too busy talking about the excitement to pay me any mind. I rested against the rail to keep myself from falling down.

Holy shit. Murder? I tried to piece everything together. The woman had asked about the two women, but I wasn’t clear if they were accusing Gabriel or if they had been the victims. The man had said they were moving bodies, plural, so it very well could be the two of them. What a coincidence: two of Gabriel’s exes turning up dead in Vegas?

This was going to be a PR nightmare, to say the least, and I imagined what would happen once the media got a hold of it. I knew I should sit tight, but I was terrified. The elevator stopped on my floor and as I pushed my way out of the crowded space and into the hall, a couple stopped me.

I recognized the pair from the night before and was certain I’d seen them at the casino, but I didn’t think we’d been introduced. “Hey, honey. Where’s that husband of yours?”