Parker pushed firmly, our bodies pressed together. Every time we made love, it was better and better. And now that I knew what he could do to with his tongue, I knew I would crave his touch even more than I already did.

“Oh my god, I love this,” I whispered.

“And what about this?” he asked, adjusting himself above me. He moved slowly, pulling out, then pushing back in, forcing a grunt from me as he touched me deeper than anyone ever had.

“Fuck… yes….” I groaned hoarsely. It was more than I could stand, but I couldn’t get enough of the feeling of him inside of me.

“Oh my god!” I cried. How could anything, anything, be better than this? I got my answer almost immediately when Parker began stroking slowly, rubbing me firmly as he slid in and out of my body. My fingertips dug into the underside of my thighs so hard, it was painful, but my legs were at the perfect angle for him. He was rubbing me exactly where I needed him to.

I grunted each time he pushed fully home. And when he sped up, hitting my body hard enough to make slapping sounds, my words crumbled into single letters, then squeaks and grunts. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t form words. I lie beneath him, a trembling mass of blazing nerves, helpless to do anything except let him make love to me.

My orgasm squeezed me hard, stopping my breath and arching my body, but with Parker’s weight on top, I couldn’t move. I squeaked hoarsely as I trembled from head to toe, pressing hard against him. He came right after I did, groaning in my ear as his body hammered against mine.

I grabbed his ass and slammed him into me harder than ever. I didn’t want him to go anywhere, or for the exquisite pleasure to end.

He shuddered, groaned deeply. I squeezed my thighs against his ribs, holding him in place as his entire body trembled and juddered to a halt, his body pressed hard against mine. Every breath seemed an effort for him. I showered his face with kisses, and when he turned his head, I pressed my lips to his, opening my mouth so our tongues could dance together.

And in that wonderful moment, everything was perfect.

Parker pulled out of me, but I held him tight against me. I wasn’t ready for the moment to end just yet.

We caught our breath while gazing into each other's eyes. I couldn’t help the smile from forming my mouth.

“Thank you,” I said.

“You’re welcome,” he said with a chuckle.

“No,” I giggled. “I mean, yes, for this too. But for the diner. It was such an amazing surprise. Parker, you’re amazing.”

He reached up and pushed away a stray chunk of hair from my face. He rested his hand there and his thumb lightly stroked my cheek. “I’ll do anything to keep a smile on your face.”

“I can’t wait to get started. I have a lot of catching up to do.”

“Let’s start all of that on Monday.” Parker shifted his body next to mine and pulled me closer to him until I rested my cheek on his chest. He started to pull his fingers through my hair. The light tug on the strands created a wave of tingles to start from the top of my head and slowly move down through my body.

“I would like to make a suggestion about hiring someone else,” he said.

I shook my head. “Tony and I are fine. Besides, it’s going to be a while before I start to make a profit. I wouldn’t be able to offer much and that’s not fair.”

“I know someone who would volunteer for the job.”



“You?” I asked incredulously.

“Don’t sound so shocked,” he said. “I had fun when I helped you out that day. And now that my temporary hobby is finished, I need something else to do. And what better place than with you?”

“I would love that,” I said, snuggling closer to him.

“Good.” He lifted the corner of the comforter and covered us both. “How about that nap?”

I laughed and kissed his chest. I never in a million years thought the time would come when I could ever truly love someone, but now I knew that time was here and now, with my best friend.

Chapter Thirty-Seven
