“You seemed a little…annoyed when Harriet asked about the diner.”

Not this again.

“I wasn’t annoyed. I don’t like talking about it, is all,” I said.

Parker nodded. “I understand. But you have to realize that people are concerned—”

“Concerned about me?” I asked. “There’s no reason for people to be in my business like that.”

“Sienna,” he said in a calming voice.

I looked around and a few people were looking at me with wide-eyes. I didn’t realize I’d raised my voice.

“Not concerned about you. We all know you can handle yourself,” he said with a quick smile. “We all love you. We just want to make sure that you’re still you, even without the diner. And if you aren’t, that’s okay too.”

“I’m still me,” I said. “Just without a part of me. And at this point in time, I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

“I understand.”

“Harriet can talk all she wants, but I would prefer that you and Tony back off.”

“Okay, but can I ask one more question?”

“Sure.” If he brought it up again, I’d remind him that he said ‘one more.’

“If you had all the money in the world to have Sunny’s again, would you want it?”

“If I had the resources and money, yes, I would want the diner back.”

Parker took my hand in his. “Good, that’s all I wanted to hear.”

Chapter Thirty-Five


Two Months Later

Even though I’d been retired for two months, my internal alarm clock still woke me around five. This was the first day in that time that I was grateful for that. I could barely get to sleep last night, but I felt wide awake and ready for the day.

Sienna was still sound asleep. She’d been the opposite of me, sleeping in until at least six-thirty to seven in the morning. It was late for her, but early for the rest of the world. We’d fallen into a routine that I was going to soon break. I hoped she wouldn’t be too upset with me when she realized what I was giving her.

I moved my hands slowly up her back, attempting to gently wake her.

“No,” she moaned. “It’s Saturday. Just a little while longer, please.”

I kissed her shoulder. “We have a big day today.” And I had a big surprise for her.

“What time is it?” she asked.

“Time to get up?”

She sat up and looked at the clock. “Five in the morning? Parker, are you serious?”

I kissed her cheek. I desperately wanted to tell her the surprise, but the payoff would be so much greater if I showed her. I’d take a little verbal beating from her if it meant I’d be able to see the shock on her face when we arrived at our destination.

“Come on, babe,” I said. “This will only take an hour of your time. Possibly more, but that will entirely depend on you.”

She groaned and I had to help her sit up. She was dead weight against my hand. I pressed my lips together to prevent myself from laughing.