She let out a whoosh of air and groaned in pain. I knew I didn’t hit her that hard and this was the only advantage I had all day.

She wriggled under me. “Get off me. You’re so heavy!”

“That’s not what you said last night,” I whispered into her ear.

She laughed and tried to move me.

Her efforts were weak, and when I dropped my mouth to hers, she stopped moving. That little moan of hers that always turned me on burst from her lips.

“Ugh, gross!” Tony called.

Sienna smiled against my lips and I deepened the kiss. I didn’t care what anyone said about us: I was a man in love.

“Parker,” she said when we came up for air.

“Hmm?” I could have stayed there all day with her. I found that I had that feeling whenever we were together. Even though we were covered in leaves, dirt, and god knows what else, as long as she was there, I was content.

“We should go,” she said. “And we can finish this at home.”

Never in my life had I jumped up from the ground so quickly.

Chapter Thirty-Four


I rolled over and bumped into something solid and hard next to me. I smiled as I opened my eyes. Even though it was dark, I could picture Parker’s facial features as he slept beside me. I still wasn’t used to having someone else in bed with me. It was a new and welcome difference in my life. Unlike the unwelcome one that led me to not having a job and an unsteady financial future.

I tried not to think of the diner. It was a thorn in my side that twisted even more each time I thought about it.

Parker stirred next to me. I wondered if I woke him with my thoughts. He seemed to sense my discomfort every time I thought about the diner. Which was why we were perfect for each other. With our friendship over the years, we had developed some strange psychic connection.

His arm slipped around my waist. “What time is it?”

“Does it matter?” I asked, turning around so he could spoon me. I loved the feel of him pushed up against me. It was as if I was made to fit next to him.

He chuckled. “Not really.”

Neither of us had to do much on any given day since we were both unemployed. But Parker was by choice. “Must be nice to be retired at such an early age.”

Parker yawned. “It does feel nice not to have to check my phone every two minutes.”

“But you do, anyway,” I said, laughing.

“Force of habit,” he said, chuckling against my ear.

Just then, his phone vibrated on the side table. But he didn’t move.

“Are you going to get that?” I asked.

“I already know what it is,” he said, nibbling on my ear.

“What is it?” I asked.

“It’s my weekly transfer of funds. I opted for a weekly payout versus a lump sum. Overall, it gives me the most return for the company. I don’t want to bore you with the details.”

“Good, because I was bored after ‘transfer of funds.’”

He pinched my side and I giggled.