“What am I missing?” Parker asked.

“Sienna has a theory,” Tony prompted.

Suddenly my mouth dried up. I was used to holding my tongue about Rachel, but now I didn’t have to anymore. “It had to be Rachel.”

“Rachel?” Parker said. “Did you see her do this?”

“No,” I said, and I was pretty sure I lost all credibility at that point. So I scrambled to throw my theory out there and see if any of it stuck. “But all of the electric and gas utilities were serviced and I double-checked everything before I left yesterday. This wasn’t an accident. And from the way she threatened us this morning, who else would want to see my business go up in flames?”

Parker rubbed his hands over his eyes. “I’m not sure she would stoop this low. I mean, this is arson. She could have major jail time for this.”

I clenched my jaw. If no one was going to believe me, I’d have to prove it somehow.

Parker took my hands in his. “Sienna, don’t worry about Rachel. I’ll take care of it.”

Like hell did I want Rachel anywhere near him again. I’d have to wait until they figured out the cause first before I did anything. “Parker, don’t worry about it. I’m just a little rattled by all of this. And she really pissed me off this morning.”

“Sienna, I understand completely. She’s never going to bother us again. I’ll make sure of that.”

Even if Rachel did this as some act of revenge, I’d won the real war. I had my best friend on my side, and as a team, we were unstoppable.

“Ma’am,” one of the fireman walked up. The badge on his chest showed that he was the captain. I’d have guessed it either way with his aged face and kind eyes. “Any clue what happened here?”

“Not really.” I gave a shrug and glanced back at Parker.

“Well, the fire inspector will be on his way shortly once we put this thing out. He’ll have to interview you.”

“We understand.” Parker stepped up beside me, taking the conversation away from me, thankfully. Rachel would get hers, and I wouldn’t have to do a damn thing. Karma or the fire marshal—one would make sure of it.

Parker finished up talking with the fire chief and walked back toward me, cupping my face and pulling me close to him. He dropped his lips to mine and my insides exploded. This was all I needed right now. I was happy that no one got hurt in the fire, and as long as we were together, everything would work itself out.

I stared up at Parker as the flickering flames behind me moved in his eyes, and we kissed.

Chapter Thirty-Three


One week later

My finger hovered over the trigger of the gun. This one only needed a light touch to fire, so I was careful not to put any pressure on it too soon. I needed to have the perfect aim before shooting her. I stepped forward, first with my heel, then my toes, so I didn’t make a sound. I didn’t need to get caught before I got the job done.

“Do you have a location on her?” Tony hissed from a few feet away.

I shook my head once. “I’ll give you the signal first. You give some cover fire as a distraction and I will take her down.” I had to do this myself. I’d take her down once and for all. Then she’d finally be off our backs for good.

I narrowed my eyes and I thought I saw movement in the distance. I held up two fingers and signaled for Tony to go to the right. With him over there, I’d take her left side. She didn’t stand a chance.

Tony nodded as he honed in on the same position I was seeing.

Just as I brought down my signal for him to shoot, a sharp pain ripped through my leg. I stumbled and fell forward. Tony turned too late, and red spots dotted his chest.

“No!” I called out. How had she done it again?

“I’m the best!” Sienna screamed out. She held her paintball gun high in the air and pumped it toward the tops of the trees around us. “And you two are looooosers,” she sang while skipping and dancing around us. Leaves and other forest fauna kicked up around her feet.

“How did you get around us?” Tony asked, wiping red paint from his chin. “We thought you were in that direction.”

“I’m stealthier than you,” she said. “And overall, a better shot than the both of you combined. Which is why I’ve been winning every single game.”