“You’re so wet,” he said quietly.

“I’ve been… saving it….” I managed but had to give up talking when he slid deeper. Fuck, he felt good inside me. He sighed happily as he slid deeper, and deeper until his body was pressed against mine. Even then, when he pushed, he seemed to manage another inch. I whimpered as he touched me deep inside. In that instant, all worries or awkwardness about what we were doing melted away.

He pulled the strap of my bra down and drew my nipple into his mouth. I moaned with pleasure as his tongue circled around my peak. He moved onto the other one. The feeling of him inside of me and the way he kissed my breasts made me want to come right then and there.

Parker shifted, withdrawing, then sliding back into me. I cried out, throwing my arms around his neck. I clung to him as he shifted on top of me, his weight pinning me to the bed as his body bumped against mine. Waves of ecstasy washed over me, hot and overpowering, each one forcing a quiet moan from my throat. I tried to speak, but only strangled noises emerged, single letters that gave up any hope of forming words.

His lips crushed mine and I fought to keep up. My whole body tingled, and my mind was numb. Nothing else in the world mattered except for us.

And then he began to move faster, shifting to his own rhythm. I lifted my feet from the bed and rested them on his back, whimpering as I lost all control of my body. He was in command of me now, and he was steering me toward someplace I’d never been before.

“Fu-uu-uu-uu…” was all I managed to say

“I want you to come for me, Sienna. Please come.”

“Uh-huh. Uh-huh….” I tightened my grip, clinging to Parker as he fucked me harder and harder. My entire body shook as we collided. Slapping sounds reached me from far away. My ears were ringing; my heart thumped like crazy. I was making noises that made no sense. Parker was groaning long and hard in my ear, his breath heating my cheek.

My insides exploded as I came for him. Parker continued to pump inside of me, making my already sensitive body even more so.

“Parker!” I cried out.

His lips crushed mine as he came. A deep shudder shook his body, a counterpoint to the pulsing heat that rippled through mine.

His movements slowed, and we made eye contact. A wide grin spread across his face and I matched it. I couldn’t believe I’d just had sex with my best friend. And it had been the most incredible sex of my life. Where we could have been awkward, we weren’t. We were fit for each other in

every way.

Parker was propped above me as he caught his breath. I reached up and cupped his face, bringing his lips to mine. As we both came down from our incredible orgasms, we kissed more slowly this time, exploring each other’s mouths.

Parker’s arm gave out and he pulled me against him as we laid side-by-side and kissed for some time.

When we finally came up for air, Parker wrapped his arm around me and held me against him. He kissed the top of my head and sighed. “Well, that was…different.”

I laughed, unable to hold back the amazing mood I was in. “You think?”

I couldn’t help the goofy grin on my face. This is exactly where I should have been from the beginning.

“You were good,” he said, rubbing his face. “Real fucking good.”

“Well, you also haven’t had sex for a year.”

He shook his head. “It’s not that. I may have abstained from sex, but I know what good sex is. And you were like, amazing.”

Parker yawned and I lightly chucked him in the chest.

He laughed. “What? That was the most energy I’ve expended in a while.”

I scooted up to him and kissed him on the lips then rolled over. Parker followed me and spooned his warm naked body against me.

He trailed kisses across the back of my neck. “I love you so much, Sienna.”

I squeezed his arm tight to let him know I felt the same way.

I closed my eyes, warping back to the night that I laid with Parker after the bachelor party. Everything he’d said was true. The alcohol had been a sort of truth serum for him, just like Tony said. But his relationship with Rachel had stood in the way. Not anymore. Right here and right now was where we were supposed to be. And I’d fight to keep it that way for the rest of my life. I sighed deeply and allowed myself to let go and fall asleep with the love of my life.

Chapter Thirty-One
