“Well, you better make that meeting tomorrow. You don’t want to risk this deal, not if it will truly make you happy.”

I shook my head. “It’s not the deal that will make me happy,” I said. “I’m already happy, right here, right now, with you.”

The corners of her lips quirked.

The waitress interrupted our moment by asking to take our order for entrees. Sienna gave her order and I ordered the same.

When the waitress took our menus and left, Sienna leaned closer to the table. “I’ve been dying to try that eggplant rollatini since the last time we were here.”

The rest of the dinner went well. I was so used to not ordering dessert with Rachel that I almost waved the waitress away when she offered. Sienna and I split a slice of cheesecake. And then we ordered another one because it definitely wasn’t enough for two people with monster appetites.

On the way home, I reached over to take Sienna’s hand in mine. Her hand fit mine perfectly, as if they were made for each other. Taking this next step with Sienna was as easy as breathing.

“Do you want to come over for a nightcap?” I asked.

“Sure,” she said, without looking at me. With the passing streetlights, I could see the intense expression in her eyes.

I stifled a smile. She was as nervous as me. Somehow, that made me feel better about what I had planned.

Once we were at my house, I poured us both a glass of wine. We went out to the back patio. The night air was warm enough to be comfortable, and the sky was clear. It was a perfect night.

When Sienna wasn’t looking, I watch her sip from her wine. My gaze trailed over the line of her jaw down to her neck. How I wanted to press my lips against her skin. The urge was overwhelming.

What the hell was I waiting for?

I placed my glass down and offered to take hers.

Her eyebrows furrowed in question then smoothed out just as quickly.

I stood in front of her and took her hands in mine. “I had a really good time tonight,” I said.

“Me too.” Her fingers tightened around mine.

We stood there for a moment, hovering in a strange reality for us. We could go either way at that point. We could take a step back and remain friends. Or move toward each other and into an uncertain future.

I made the choice to move forward.

I pulled her closer to me and pressed my lips against hers. A little moan escaped her lips. Kissing Sienna was like fitting my mouth to a mold just made for me. My tongue darted in her mouth and touched hers. The lingering taste of wine was sweet and tangy against my taste buds.

“God, Sienna,” I said.

She smiled against my lips. Her hands moved up my chest and rested on my shoulders. I leaned down and grabbed her ass, lifting her on top of the patio table.

She let out a little squeak, and I silenced it with my lips. Her kisses were feverish and quick, and I had the urge to rip her clothes off right then and there.

But there was something important I wanted

to say first. Something that had hovered on the tip of my tongue for forever, but I was too afraid to say it.

“Sienna,” I said, taking a step back.

Her eyes were half-lidded. “Parker, don’t stop.”

“I want to tell you something first.”

“What is it?”

“I love you. Sienna, I’ve always loved you. I’ve been too stupid to realize it.”