“Stranger things have happened.” He released my hand, and a part of me lamented over losing the warmth of his touch. I knew then that I somehow was saved from making a huge mistake with Harry. If I were capable of having even the slightest warmth toward another man after leaving Harry at the altar, the wedding was a joke.

Hell, my life was a joke.

“Speaking of drunks… I could certainly use a drink.” I shifted my bags from one hand to the next, having picked up a few cute outfits as we walked around the city.

“What the lady wants, the lady gets.” He reached out and took the bags before offering me his arm. “Join me for a proper pre-dinner drink?”

“Proper pre-dinner drink?” I laughed and slipped my hand around his arm.

He shrugged and walked us to the nearest pub. “It sounded a little more cheeky in my head.”

He was far too cute for his own good. “Trying to liquor me up, Alfie?”

“I’m a young, hot-blooded Englishman. It’s cold at night, lass. Of course I’m trying to liquor you up.”

“Such a scoundrel.” I reached and opened the door for us.

He shook his head and gave me a toothy grin. “You misunderstand, my lady. It’s not to take advantage of you, but to steal your blankets for my own bed.”

“Oh. I thought you wanted to seduce me.” I pretended to pout before walking into the pub. “Never mind then. Perhaps someone in here will.”

“Now, just a minute…” His voice was filled with mirth. It was going to be a fun night. Intentions be damned.

Chapter Nine


Albert’s Pub was busy even on a Tuesday night. It was the one pub in Devon that had frequent customers at all times. There was never an off day for the pub because of the excellent drinks and food mixed with the cozy atmosphere. The sultry jazz music in the background didn’t hurt anything either.

It was Albert who greeted Molly and I the second I led her inside. The floorboards trembled slightly as the older, jovial man approached to grasp my hand in a friendly shake.

“Good to see you, Alfie,” he said, grinning. “I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to leave that gated house of yours.”

“It’s work that’s been trapping me behind closed doors,” I replied, returning the friendly grin. “Someone has to deliver those phone plans and working phones to you here.”

“That you do! And mine works perfectly.” He beamed happily before his gaze landed on Molly, who was standing a bit timidly behind us, watching our exchange curiously. “Who is this pretty little lady here? Are you just going to let her stand her and steal our hearts without telling us her name?”

I ignored the knowing twinkle in Albert’s sage-colored eyes. “This is Molly. She’s—” I stopped for a second to catch Molly’s eyes, “—a friend of mine from the States. She’s here visiting Devon.”

“I hope you like it here,” Albert said, catching Molly’s hand in a quick grasp. “Excuse me, you two. I have some business to attend to behind the bar. Drinks are on me, Alfie. No arguments about that.”

“If you insist,” I said before rolling my eyes over to Molly. “He’s too good to me. He always has been.”

We found a small table that overlooked the streets. I pulled out Molly’s chair to help her sit down before taking a seat across from her. While Molly took in her surroundings with earnest curiosity, I caught sight of a busty blonde sitting at the bar. The pit of my stomach churned when I recognized Priscilla as she regarded Molly with a mixture curiosity and contempt.

Of all the nights I come into town, she has to be here.

Thankfully, a gentleman beside her laid a hand on her arm, regaining her attention. I focused back on Molly as she glanced down at the menu of drinks. If Harry’s ex-girlfriend wanted to blab back to him about seeing me and Molly, there was nothing that I could do to stop it. I had no problems facing Harry after spending the past few days in Molly’s company. He was a damn fool for letting a woman like this step out of his life.


“The food here is amazing,” I said over the music and chatter. “You have to have something to drink too.”

“It’s all so much,” Molly said, looking up at me with a shy smile. “You pick. I don’t have the slightest idea what I want.”

I nodded. “All right then.”

I waited for Albert to swing by our table before placing our food and drink orders. A few residents of Devon stopped by our table to talk happily through the next hour. It wasn’t until a few drinks later that I was able to finally face Molly with an apologetic smile.