“It’s no problem, dear, I’m glad to see you.” She then indicated for the pastor to continue with his speech.

My shoulders were nearly at my ears and it took all of me not to look at Parker.

But as the pastor spoke about Kenneth’s life, my mind drifted away from Parker and returned to the reason we were there.

I glanced at Harriet, who was holding herself together so well. I wished I could be as strong as she was. Though I wondered how much of that was inherent and how much simply came from living through as many years as she had. She’d had a loving husband for forty years; that was bound to make someone a fucking superhero.

I took her hand and she patted the top of mine with her free hand. We sat like that for the remainder of the service.

After finishing up with the final prayer, the pastor ended the service. We all stood up, and I knew it was time to face Parker.

“Thank you so much for coming, Parker,” Harriet said, shaking his hand in both of hers.

“In the short time I knew him, Kenneth really put his mark on me. I was glad to know him,” Parker said.

Then the pastor pulled her aside. “Excuse me; I’ll be right back.”

I narrowed my eyes at him.

He noticed and said, “I saw the sign at the diner. Then I did some research.”

“I thought you’d be on your honeymoon,” I said.

His jaw clenched. “That’s what I wanted to tell you—”

“If we weren’t at a funeral, I’d kick your ass,” Tony interjected in a quiet and threatening voice.

Then Harriet came back over and Tony turned off his protective big brother routine.

“It means so much that you all came here for Kenneth. He was fond of all of you.”

“We were fond of him, as well,” I said.

Harriet looked at Parker and me. “I know I’m just an old sentimental woman, but I want to tell you something that I’ve learned over the years.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“In all the people I’ve met and couples I’ve witnessed get married, I rarely see the love that you two share. It doesn’t come around but once in a lifetime, and you should hold onto that.”

“He’s marr—” I started, but Parker interrupted me by saying, “That’s what I wanted to talk to Sienna about.”

His eyes met mine, and I found it hard to breathe.

“Well, don’t let me disturb you,” Harriet said and walked away. She stopped in front of the casket and put her hand on the top.

Tony gave me a look that said, “You got this?”

I nodded and he stepped away, going to Harriet’s side in front of the casket.

I turned to Parker, silently asking him to explain himself.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


“Can we talk somewhere a little more private?” I asked her.

Sienna licked her lips. “Sure.”