“Good, good,” Gary said. “Well, I wanted to inform you that we are prepared to sweeten the deal. We’ve seen the stocks in the company rise and we’re eager to sign the contract. But this is a limited time offer. For the entire thing. We don’t want to waste your time if you’re not interested.”

I was very interested. I had some new plans for my future and I wanted to sell the company so I would have the time to pursue them.

“I understand. How limited?”

“Not to be forward, but I’d like to schedule a meeting on Monday. My associates and I can fly down there once you give the word.”

I paused for a moment for effect. “Yes, I would be interested in that.”

“Great,” Gary said. I could hear him smiling over the line. “I’ll send you the details via email.”

“Sounds good.”

“Parker, we’re so anxious and excited to meet you.”

“Thank you.”

We closed the conversation with pleasantries and then I hung up. I tossed the phone onto the couch, and for the first time in days, I smiled.

With a little patience, everything would be in place soon. All I needed was Sienna by my side.

I got up from the couch, needing to take my tux off and put this disastrous wedding behind me.

I went into my bedroom and unclipped the flower from my lapel. For some reason, I didn’t want to throw it away. It had been a part of Rachel’s special day, but I thought of its other half. I imagined it with the corsage I’d left at the venue. The two matching flowers, sitting side by side. Together. As they should have been all along.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


My alarm woke me bright and early Monday morning. Normally I would have hit the snooze button at least once, but I was ready to get back to work. Our time away from home was short, but also very restful for my mind and spirit. I didn’t expect any communication with Parker, but when I got home the night before I saw I had a missed call from Saturday afternoon. I wondered what he wanted. By then he would have married Rachel. Maybe he figured out she was a gold-digger too late and called to apologize after he found out she did cheat on him.

I highly doubted that’s what happened. He probably misdialed me since he didn’t leave a message or a text. Besides, I was over all of this. That’s what the weekend away was for. Moving on. And that’s what I intended to do.

When I got to the diner, Tony was sitting on the back steps, as usual, waiting for me.

“Good morning, sunshine,” he said.


“I could see the light from your smile a mile away.”

I forced a frown.

“Aw, don’t be like that. It was a compliment.”

I laughed. “You’re right. I feel good. I’m happy. Everything is different, and I’m okay with that.”

“I should take you away more often.”

“I would like that, but we might have to hire someone to watch Sunny’s or else I’d lose my business.”

“I’m going to get a lottery ticket today and play some big numbers. I’d take a cut in my paycheck to see you happy.”

“You’re sweet.”

“Sweet as pie,” he said. “Come on, let’s get back to work.”

For some reason, every time the bell tinkled when the front door opened, my whole body tensed. Each time I expected to see Parker walk through that door. Then I’d had to remind myself that he was married to Rachel, and they were off somewhere on a honeymoon, probably getting very acquainted with each other. Of course, then I would feel nauseous, and the whole process would repeat the next time someone came into the diner.