“Yep. I decided to stay here for the next two weeks, and then after that…well, I’m not entirely sure.” I stood and started to pace the floor.

“Okay.” She chuckled. “I like the idea of you having a mini-vacation, but I’m not so sure I like the idea of who you’re staying with, Mol. He’s Harry’s best friend.”

“No, not really.” I shook my head as if she could see me.

“Right, but they were close enough that he had Alfie as his best man.”

“I know.” I dropped back down on the couch. “But it’s just a friendship, and honestly, it’s going to be nice to have him show me the city. He’s a real gentleman.”

“Harry was too when yo

u first met.”

I felt like I was on the phone with my mother. No, my mom would have been less evasive. I couldn’t get onto Peyton. She loved me and was simply concerned. I’d have done the same thing.

“You’re right, but I’m staying. I feel like a few weeks out here touring the city is just what I need.” I pursed my lips, waiting in silence for her to come back with a million reasons why it was a horrible idea. I was strong-willed, but she was a notch up from me.

“All right, do what you think is best. I don’t agree, but you know what you need right now, so go for it.” She paused briefly, and I thought I was off the hook. “But, make sure you remember one thing.”

“What’s that?” I held my breath.

“Alfie should remain a tour guide and a friend, and that’s all. You’re in a vulnerable position right now after everything that happened. Don’t let yourself get involved with him. It’s too soon, and you’re not ready. And besides that—and forgive me in advance for saying it—but people are good friends with others because they share similar characteristics. Which ones does Alfie share with Harry?”

“I don’t know yet, but you’re right. I’ll be on guard, and I promise you, I’m not falling for this guy. My heart is too weary to feel anything.”

“Says the girl who can’t say no to a proper Englishman.” She laughed. “Just promise you’ll be careful. You know I don’t want you to get hurt again. I’ll have to go on a rampage and burn down the whole fucking country.”

“See? There’s the characteristic that we share. We’re both passionate about the people we love.” I steered the conversation away from Alfie. She had valid concerns, but me falling in love with Harry’s old friend wasn’t going to happen. I wasn’t needy, and I wasn’t desperate.

I was tired and rejected.

“Molly?” Alfie’s voice surprised me.

“I need to go.” I dropped the call with Peyton and got up to walk down the hall. We bumped into each other as I walked out of the living room door. “Oh! I’m so sorry.”

He grabbed my arms and chuckled. “Damn, woman. You almost gave me a heart attack.”

I smiled, glad to see him. Shit. Maybe Peyton’s concerns were valid. “You’re home early.”

“I am.” His eyes moved across my face as if he were searching out a hidden truth. “Go get dressed in some comfortable walking shoes. I want to take you down some of the small streets in town. You need to get out and have some fun, and I need a break from technology and marketing gurus.”

“I like the sound of that.” I walked around him into the hall before bounding up the stairs. I called back over my shoulder, “I made cookies. They’re in the kitchen.”

He mumbled something about me trying to make him fat. I laughed and changed into a pair of capris, tennis shoes, and a comfortable shirt that made my boobs look good. After running my fingers through my hair, I pulled it up and put on a little bit of lipstick. There was no reason to get all dolled up. We were just friends, after all.

“Make sure your shoes are comfortable.” His voice rose up the stairs.

“You’re not my boss, Mister Technology.” I walked down to find him watching me. I smiled. “You have plenty of people to boss around. I’m not one of them.”

“And somehow that makes me want to boss you around all the more.” He laughed and opened the door behind me. “Come on. Let’s go look in some of the small shops. I know some places around Devon that you might not have seen before.”

We walked around the various streets, Alfie seeming to know everyone. There weren’t more than a small handful of people that didn’t greet him by name.

“Small town.” I smiled over at him.

“Yep. I enjoy it quite a bit. We all watch out for each other.” He reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me back as a bus moved through the street in front of us. “That’s Henry Dilmont. He’s a bit of a drinker.” He rolled his eyes.

I snorted. “And he’s the bus driver?”