I smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek. “Good morning.”

She waved me away and bee-lined for the bathroom. Her prickly attitude in the morning may have been one of her flaws, but that didn’t make her a gold-digger. Sienna wasn’t a morning person, either, or at least she wasn’t when I woke her up.

I went into the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal. It was the most gourmet food I could make by myself. And Rachel didn’t eat much, so we spent a majority of our relationship ordering in or going out to eat.

I went to the balcony off the kitchen and stood there, taking in the warm morning air. The sun was over the horizon and I could hear the waves crashing in the distance. I had the sudden urge to go surfing. Rachel had never been before and even though she was thin, she spent a lot of time at the gym honing her perfectly toned look. If I made it sound like exercise, then she might be willing to take a chance. In the year we’d been together, I’d discovered we didn’t have any hobbies in common. I never cared too much about that before. It was actually beneficial to a healthy couple to have their own things so when they came together, they’d have something to talk about. But since we were getting married this weekend, it was time that we really dug our roots in deep with each other.

I finished my cereal, rinsed the bowl in the sink, and went back into the bedroom.

Rachel was coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and another one on her head.

“Hey, Rachel,” I said.

She stopped in her tracks and looked at me as if I wasn’t supposed to be there. “What is it, Parker?”

“How about we go surfing today? It’s the perfect weather.”

She scoffed. “You know I don’t surf.”

“Well, I can teach you,” I said, smiling. “It can be something we do together.”

“Are you out of your mind?” she said. “You obviously don’t know me at all. I don’t like sporty things.”

“Well, it can be a new adventure.”

“Can you please drop this? I said no. Besides, I have too much to do today. I’m getting my hair touched up and my nails done for the wedding.”

“Oh,” I said, forgetting that those were important things for a bride to do before a wedding. I wanted to ask her to take Sienna with her and possibly bond. But I imagined both of the girls giving me attitude at the suggestion. I thought it was too soon for Sienna after thinking Rachel was a cheater, and Rachel enjoyed doing girly things with her friends. After the wedding, I would try and bring Rachel and Sienna to a common ground so they could end this ridiculous girl fight.

I didn’t mind going surfing alone; it would be a good time to reflect on everything before I became a husband.

I went into the closet and retrieved my swimming trunks. “Okay, I’m going now.”

“Be sure you leave your credit card out for me,” she said and closed the bathroom door behind her.

“Bye,” I said, and she didn’t even return the sentiment.

I knew Sienna was working today, but that didn’t stop me from wondering if I was going to see her at the beach surfing. Since it was a weekday, there weren’t many others out on the water, so I was able to fall a few times without embarrassing myself. I was starting to get good again and I couldn’t wait to show off my renewed skills to Sienna.

After a few runs, I decided to take a break and wade in the water, just as I had done with Sienna last week. How everything had changed in such a short amount of time. Little had I known that Sienna was about to get very pissed at me for some unknown reason, then we’d

make up. Then she’d accuse my fiancée of cheating on me. I was still angry at her for what she said. She was being childish and jealous. But as much as I didn’t agree with her, she was still my best friend. She was obviously going through something, and even though it was almost my wedding day, I should be there for her.

I kicked my feet through the water to keep my board from drifting into the current.

I couldn’t believe I was getting married tomorrow. This journey had been so stressful, and at the same time, surreal. If only Sienna were on board with everything, then I would really feel as if my life was complete.

I took a deep breath, inhaling the salty scent of the ocean. I didn’t know what else to do but talk to her about what was going on in her head. Tomorrow was supposed to be the best day of my life and the start to a happy marriage with Rachel. If I could convince Sienna that this was the right choice for me, then everything would go off without a hitch.

I nodded to myself, happy with the final decision I’d made.

I checked for a growing wave behind me. I was going to go to talk to Sienna and clear everything up. Then I knew I’d feel better about my two favorite girls being a part of my wedding day.

I hopped up onto my board and rode the wave halfway to the beach before I wiped out. I’d have to do a few more days of practice before showing off for Sienna, or else I’d never hear the end of her jokes. I smiled at the thought. After today, all would be well with us. Then tomorrow, I’d start the rest of my life with my new wife.

As much as I was anxious to get this over and done with, I stopped home to quickly shower and change. Even though I wasn’t on the beach that much, I hated the feeling of sea salt on my body when it dried. Rachel wasn’t home yet, and I sent her a quick text to see what she’d been up to. By the time I left, she still hadn’t texted me back. I called her and she picked up on the last ring.

“What is it, Parker? I’m about to get my nails painted.”