Chapter Nineteen


I came back to the diner a half-hour before it closed, so I could be there to stop Sienna just in case she decided to skip out early. Sienna fled when she was upset; I knew that firsthand. And by the cold greeting she’d given that morning, I knew my hunch was true. Something had happened that night, which was why she hadn’t bothered to text or call me. I was equally to blame, but at least I had confirmation that something did happen. Now I had to figure out what. I knew I wouldn’t get the whole story unless she told me. But I had a glimmer of hope when Tony came out of the diner.

He had his bag slung over one shoulder. He was leaving before Sienna. Maybe I could get some information from him. It was worth a shot.

I got out of the car and yelled over to him “Hey, Tony!”

He turned and waved at me.

I jogged over to him and shook his hand.

“Hey, Parker, you left so quickly before that I didn’t get a chance to say hi.”

So, Sienna hadn’t said anything to him. It couldn’t be as bad as I thought. Could it? “I had a meeting to get to.”

“Are you and Sienna doing something today?” he asked.

“I hope so.”

“More wedding stuff?”

“Yeah,” I lied. He was obviously out of the loop, but I wanted to move on and get to why Sienna was so pissed at me and if it had to do with Saturday night.

“Speaking of wedding stuff, I’m assuming you’re recovered from Saturday? Did you have a good time? I know I did.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, I did. At least during the parts I remember.”

“I hear that. I was a little fuzzy when I woke up Sunday morning. Until I found both of the girls in my bed.”

“Both girls?”

“You don’t remember?” Tony asked.

“Not really.”

“Well, I could see how that would happen. You were close to blacking out when Sienna took you home.”

Sienna took me home? What the hell had happened then? Tony would have said if Sienna and I had a falling out at the diner. Something had happened later when Sienna and I were alone, and Tony wouldn’t be able to help me figure out what it was since he hadn’t been there.

“You don’t remember that part, either?” Tony asked.

I shook my head. “No. A lot of the night is locked away. Did she say something to you?”

He adjusted the bag on his shoulder. “She didn’t. But I have a feeling that’s why she’s been acting the way she has today.”

“How do you mean?”

“She came in this morning in a really sour mood. I haven’t seen her like this for a while.”


“I can’t imagine she could be mad at you for long. Unless you tried to hit on her or something.”

Tony laughed, and I chuckled lightly. I really hoped I hadn’t been rude to her.

“Well, I don’t want to keep you,” I said to Tony. There was nothing else he could tell me and I didn’t want Sienna to see us talking about her and make her more upset than she already was.