“Tomorrow?” I didn’t like the sound of that. “You’re staying here tonight?”

“Is that a problem?”


“No, I just—” I had no excuse. She was my fiancée, and she had the right to stay over whenever she wanted. But why did she have to agree to stay over tonight, of all nights?

Rachel strode up the front walkway, leaving me to turn off my car and lock it. This was going to be a long night.

Chapter Eighteen


I hated that I expected to hear from Parker. I’d religiously checked my phone all day Sunday, and here I was Monday morning and continuing to stalk my best friend. I had written him several texts that I eventually deleted. And I lost count of how many times my finger hovered over his number but didn’t have the nerve to press it. I wished I would have left his house when I’d had the chance. It’s not like he would have been offended if I hadn’t lain down with him. I was so stupid to allow myself to think he was actually speaking the truth through some sort of drunk haze. I wasn’t that girl. So, why did I feel so shitty?

I checked my phone the second I woke up and there was nothing from Parker. After a quick look at his social media profiles, he hadn’t been active since Friday. At least he wasn’t off doing something fun. But I actually would have preferred that, so at least I’d know he was alive and well. I wasn’t a fan of being the only sober one at a party, but I wanted Parker to have a good time and get him home safely. I knew he’d have a hangover, but I thought he’d at least send a text to let me know he woke up okay. And maybe talk to me about him calling me Rachel.


He’d contact me when he wanted. I wasn’t going to pine after him like every other girl. I had to get to work and make a living. Not everyone had billions of dollars and an offer for more money on the back burner.

When I got to the diner, I parked and walked toward the back entrance. Tony was there smoking. Again. I clenched my jaw. I didn’t have the energy to yell at him. Instead, I walked right up to him and took the cigarette out of his hand. Before he could snatch it back, I threw it on the ground and stepped on it, digging it into the ground with the toe of my shoe.

“Do you know how much those cost?” he asked, annoyed.

“Yeah, your life. Now pick it up and throw it away before coming in. And don’t let me catch you doing this again or I’ll throw the entire pack away.”

“First of all, you wouldn’t dare go through my things. And second of all, what bug crawled up your ass this morning?”

If I was going to open up to anyone about my feelings, it would be Tony. He was my closest friend, other than Parker. But as much as Tony disliked Rachel, I wasn’t about to tell him or anyone how stupid I’d been. Who falls for someone that’s getting married? Parker made it obvious by moving mountains to plan his wedding that Rachel was the one for him. He apparently had a high tolerance for brats; he still wanted to marry her.

My stomach churned. It wasn’t Tony’s fault that I was in a pissy mood. “There’s no bug; I’m just a little annoyed.”


I tried to open the door, but he pushed it closed and stood between me and my diner.

“Talk to me, Sienna,” he said. “Me and you banter, we don’t fight.”

I pushed my hands through my hair. “I’m fine, really. Sorry I got all worked up. It just annoys me to see you smoking every morning. You know I don’t want you to do it, but if you’re going to, just do it somewhere else.”

“And that’s all you’ve got on your mind?”



Tony hesitated but eventually moved out of the way for me to open the door.

“How was the rest of your night on Saturday?” I asked, trying to get on better terms with him. Tony had been a good friend and texted me Sunday morning. Granted, it was a picture of the strippers in his bed, but at least I knew he was okay.

“It was wild, man,” he said. “Those girls have some tricks up their sleeves.”

I laughed. “I’m sure they do. Did you have to pay them extra for those tricks?”

He pulled a face. “They’re strippers, not prostitutes.”

“Did you check your wallet when they left?”