“Hey, man. You sure about this?” Danny and Jacob stopped beside the booth I sat slumped over in, Jacob reaching out and stealing the last slider off my plate. I tried to swat at him, but it was useless. Fuck it. He could have the sandwich.

“Yep.” I licked my lips and wagged my hand around. “Go have some fun. You came here to act up. Go do it.” I smiled as they agreed, smacked their beer bottles together in a raucous toast, and walked off.

It was more entertaining to watch my friends from a distance, as most of them had little to no modesty.

The strippers—I learned their stage names were Calista and Tammy—and Tony stopped over at our table to grab some food too. I stayed with Sienna in our little booth for most of the night while Tony never let me have an empty glass in front of me. Tony had his fair share of lap dances from both girls. Like every bachelor party I’d been to, I knew the strippers were more for the other guys than the groom. Which was fine with me. I wanted to be with Sienna and no one else. Why the hell had she invited so many people, again?

“Did you ever think you’d plan one of these parties?” I said, finishing off my sundae. Sienna had put extra hot fudge and whipped cream and I scooped up as much as I could.

“Not in a million years, and I probably won’t again. Unless you plan on getting married again.” She turned her nose up. “Besides, it’ll be time for you and these other bachelors to eventually grow up. It’s part of life, right?”

I snorted, but didn’t respond. Was it part of life? I wasn’t going to go there with her. We were having such a good time, any talk of Rachel would ruin that, and I knew that’s where she was headed with it.

“Will you let me come to your bachelorette party? It will only be fair.” I wanted to reach out and touch her, but it was dangerous. It always had been.

“As long as you wear a penis hat,” she said straight-faced.

I nodded, the room started to move with the motion of my head. “Well, that’s a given.”

Her mouth spread into a wide grin and she laughed. “Then you will be first on my list. If I ever decide to get married.”

I frowned. I wanted so much for Sienna to be happy. But the thought of her with anyone else made my blood boil. I was being selfish, but I’d also had a lot to drink. The myriad of emotions inside of me was escalating. And my eyelids were starting to get heavy.

Sienna slid out of her seat and came to my side. “I think it’s time I get you home, unless you want me to let someone else bring you?”

“No. I don’t trust anyone else in this room.” I leaned against her. She was so soft

, so sexy. I trailed a finger down her arm. “Home sounds nice.”

Chapter Sixteen


Parker’s fingers moving down my arm created a flurry of shivers to travel across my body. “Stay here,” I said, extracting myself from under him. His head lolled and I managed to get him sitting up straight. He was grinning like an idiot, and I couldn’t help smiling, too. He was adorable normally, and even more so when he was shit-faced.

I went over to Tony and the girls. “Tony, we gotta get everyone out of here.”

“Party pooper,” Tammy said and threw her napkin at me.

I clenched my jaw and started at the wadded up napkin on the floor. Did she seriously just do that?

Tony’s eyes went wide. “Okay, ladies, we’re moving the party elsewhere.”

I gave Tammy a death stare as she scooted out of the booth. She and Calista walked toward the front door and grabbed their coats, throwing them over their salacious outfits.

“Should I stay and clean?” Tony asked, glancing at the girls.

I knew he wanted to seal the deal with one of them and I wasn’t about to be a cock-block. “No, I’ll come in tomorrow and do it. Enjoy your night, and thanks for everything.”

Tony kissed me on the cheek and escorted the girls out of my diner.

I kicked the napkin that Tammy had thrown at me and turned back to Parker. His eyes were half closed, and his mouth slackened.

“Come on, Parker.”

“Whhhaaa—” he dragged on. His eyes fluttered open and then widened as if he’d forgotten where he was.

This was going to be fun.