“I thought the party wasn’t until tonight?” I asked.

From that angle, I noticed she was wearing a dress, but it wasn’t really a dress. One of those cover-up dresses the girls wore at the beach.

“Get your bathing suit on,” she said with a wide grin. “We’re going surfing.”

“Seriously?” I asked.


I hadn’t been surfing with Sienna in forever. We used to go all the time until I started dating Rachel, so it had to have been at least a year. I knew she still kept up with it, so I had a feeling I was going to have a lot of wipeouts.

“It’s a good thing I didn’t have a big breakfast,” I said and headed into my bedroom to change.

Sienna had picked the perfect day to take me out surfing. It was one of the hottest we’d had lately, which made getting into the water a little easier. It wasn’t cold, but it definitely wasn’t warm. After a few runs, my muscles warmed up and I started to feel myself relax and have fun. Sienna had definitely been practicing. She’d complete a run from the wave to the shore without a wobble in her board.

I was quite the opposite. I managed to fall into the water nearly every time before I got to shore. And of course, Sienna didn’t let me live any of those moments down.

Sienna looked amazing out there, and I couldn’t keep myself from staring at her tattoo. She wore a one-piece bathing suit, a good rule for surfing in case you took a tumble and lost the top or bottom. I’d seen many amateur girls do that in the past. I didn’t mind getting a flash of anyone’s chest, but I knew the girls were mortified each time it happened. The top half of the intricate tattoo disappeared under her suit and I had the dangerous urge to want to see the rest of it for myself.

It was nearly noon before we decided to take a break. We floated on our boards, sitting there, watching the rest of the surfers and other beach-goers.

“You’re too good to me; you know that?” I said.

“Well, I just want to make sure you don’t forget me when you become a husband.”

“Sienna, nothing is going to change with us.”

She shrugged. “We’ll see.”

I reached my hands over my head and stretched. Something popped in my back and I groaned. “Man, I’m not getting any younger. I have a feeling I’m going to be sore tomorrow.”

“You should come out here more. I make it a habit of coming at least once a week. Unless you think Rachel would have a problem with that.”

I ignored the dig at Rachel. If things continued the way they did, I doubted Rachel would even know if I took up a new hobby. Plus, if I sold the company, I’d have a lot more free time. And with Rachel not working, I wondered if she would notice.

“I’d like to do that,” I said.

“It’s a date, then,” she said.

I liked the sound of that.

We waded in the water for a little while longer, just listening to the sounds of the beach; the seagulls overhead and the distant crashing of waves against the shore. It was peaceful and a nice place to think about everything. I made a mental note to come out here more often, especially when I had several big decisions to make in the near future.

“We should head out soon,” Sienna said a little while later. “I think we both need to get cleaned up before your party.”

I grimaced. “You know you don’t have to do this.”

“Of course I do. You wanted me to be your best man, right?”

“I’m starting to regret that decision.”

Sienna stuck her tongue out at me and jumped up on her board. “No take-backs!”

I moved into a kneeling position as we waited for the next swell to come. Sienna was looking behind her, her smi

le as carefree as the seagulls above us. She bit her lip, anticipating the wave, and as it peaked behind us, we started to paddle and then let go, chasing the water to shore.

A couple of hours later, Sienna drove us to the diner. She wore a sexy red dress with lace that stirred up more confusing thoughts in my mind. The muscles in her legs moved with each step. When had she become so hot?