Tony turned around. “It’s not a stripper theme; there will be a stripper at some point. Maybe two. Usually after we eat. And appetizers sound fine.”

“Good, I’ll make up a menu.”

“You’re really getting into this,” he said.

“Into what?”

“This whole planning thing.”

“How else would you expect me to plan a party?”

“I mean, you’re really into i

t. Like more than I’ve ever seen you.”

“Well, I am the best man,” I said.

He gave me a look that said, “Yeah, okay.”


“Nothing. Forget I said anything.”

I couldn’t forget it, but I also couldn’t explain why I wanted everything to be perfect. I wanted this party to reflect me in some way. It was almost a last hurrah for me and Parker. And I wanted it to be a night he always remembered. And if I was honest with myself, I wanted him to remember it even more than his wedding day.

Chapter Thirteen


I laid in bed for almost an hour after waking, and worked on my phone answering emails and texts. For some reason, I had no motivation to do anything about getting ready for the day. This is why I loved technology and my job. I could be lying on the beach and no one would know or care. I supposed Rachel assuming that I could do most of the wedding planning made sense. She knew I worked from anywhere. I set up the company so that it practically ran itself, and now I only had to put in a few hours each day to keep the money rolling.

It was almost seven when Rachel’s face lit up the screen. I had been in the middle of typing something and accidentally hit the green button to answer the call. I fumbled with the phone for a second before answering.

She said “hello” a few times before I answered.

“Hi, Rachel,” I said into the phone. I pressed the speaker button and her voice filled my bedroom.

“Hey, Parker. I can’t believe I’m up this early; we had such a crazy night last night.”

I adjusted my body until I was in a sitting position. My back cracked; I hadn’t realized I was in a stiff position for so long. “What did you guys do?”

“Well, Holly and Trisha met us here, and we went out on the town. So many guys bought us shots. I only had a few because those things are loaded with empty calories, but Holly got so wasted. We had to drag her away from this creeper; it was hilarious.”

“Sounds fun,” I said.

“You had to be there, I guess,” she said in a dour tone.

“What else have you been doing?”

“Mostly going out at night and sleeping all day.”

It sounded exactly like what she did when she was home. Not sure she needed to go away to do all that.

Someone said something in the background and I struggled to hear what they said.

Rachel broke out in a fit of giggles, and it was so loud I had to move the phone away from my ear.

“It sounds like you’re having a good time.”