I took a picture of the big one on my neck and sent it to Parker.

He texted me back, “Nice hickey.”

“You wish!” I wrote with a gun emoji.

“Rematch,” he replied.

“You’re on! Be prepared to get your ass handed to you again.”

“Thanks for that bruise, by the way. I can’t sit right.”

I sent a smiling emoji.

Thinking of going out there again with him made me smile. And that smile lasted all the way to work.

Later that morning, Tony came into Sunny’s after I’d prepped for the breakfast crowd. He had trouble with his bike that morning and needed to catch a ride from a friend.

“When can you pick up your bike?” I asked.

“Tomorrow, probably,” he said, reaching for his apron. “It’s the bill I’m worried about. I feel like this is going to be way more than I want to spend.”

“Way more than getting another bike?”

He whistled through his teeth. “It’s going to be close.”

That totally sucked. Tony loved his bike. It would be a hard decision for him to make. “Well, if you need to keep it at the shop until you get the money together, I can give you a ride.”

“Are you sure you can?” he asked.

“Why wouldn’t I be able to?”

“Well, you and Parker are always off gallivanting around the place doing wedding stuff.”

I rolled my eyes. “I can give you a ride.”

“Speaking of Parker, how was paintballing? Did you kick his ass?”

“You know it. It was so much fun. I have like a million bruises, but it was worth it. Oh! And I wanted to plan a big bachelor party for him. Are you in? I’ll need a man’s touch for this one.”

“Yeah, of course. I’m always down to party.”

I clapped my hands together. “Awesome. I was thinking of doing it here. Is that weird? Maybe if we move all the tables in a different formation, it might look more like an appropriate restaurant. I don’t have a ton of money, and I refuse to ask Parker to give me any for his party—”

Tony’s hands rested on my shoulder. “Sienna, breathe. It will be fine.”

I took a breath and hadn’t realized I was prattling on. “I just want this to be fun for him.”

“Parker may be a billionaire, but he has fun with you. So, whatever you think would be fun, I’m sure he’ll love it.”

“You think?”

“Definitely,” he said, smiling. “And to bump it up a notch, I can get a stripper.”

“A stripper?” I asked. I knew a lot of bachelor parties had strippers, but I couldn’t imagine some chick taking her clothes off here. I would have to sanitize a lot if things got crazy. But I was sure I could make this really special for Parker. I thought he’d get a kick out of having a stripper.

“You can’t have a bachelor party without a stripper, Sienna.”

“I know, yeah, let’s do that. Call whatever pimp you know and let’s get that going,” I teased.