“I’m glad you agree.”

“Do you have to check in with Rachel about it?”

“No,” I said quickly. If Rachel was going to leave me to make this decision and not have the decency to call me, I was going to make the final decision. Besides, with a view like that, I doubted even the pickiest of brides would refuse.

“Glad you’re taking the initiative,” she said. “This place is really nice.”

“What do you think: band or DJ?”

“How about both? I went to a wedding years ago where the band also DJ’d. It was interesting and a really cool idea. And maybe for that extra room, you can do a photo booth or something fun like that.”

“You’re really getting into this.”

“With a place like this, it’s hard not to get into the wedding spirit.”

“I agree.”

We walked to the edge of the overlook again and silently stood side by side, listening to the crashing waves. I closed my eyes and imagined what my wedding day would look like. I could almost hear a string quartet in the background as Rachel came up the aisle.

“Okay, Mr. Liston,” Jacob said from behind me.

My eyes fluttered opened and I turned to him. “I’m all ears.”

After booking the venue and taking Sienna to a long lunch at a nearby seafood joint, I brought her back home. It was almost six by the time I walked her to the front door.

“How am I still stuffed?” Sienna said, rubbing her stomach.

“Well, you did eat a whole entree plus half of mine.”

“Uhh,” she groaned. “Let me know if you go back to that restaurant; I definitely want to try the lobster rolls next time.”

I laughed. “Will do.”

“Oh!” she said with a devilish grin. “I have a surprise for you on Monday. So, take the day off or turn off your phone or whatever you need to do to. You’re all mine.”

“I take it this is a surprise?”

“Oh, yeah. It’s time for me to get you back for all the surprise visits.”

I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of begging her for details. “I’ll take off work on Monday if you help me with decorations tomorrow.”

She took a backward step toward her door. “Fine. But I’m not picking out flowers this time. Apparently, I can’t choose the right color scheme.” She winked at me then opened her door.

“Good night, Sienna,” I said. “I’ll come by around ten.”

She waved. “Night, Parker.”

Chapter Ten


It was just after eight when I woke up on my own. I stretched my arms over my head and yawned. I had plenty of time to get ready for Parker’s arrival. But that wasn’t happening until I got some caffeine in me.

While sitting at the breakfast bar, waiting for my coffee to cool down, I flipped through my phone to get to the weather. It was going to be close to seventy-five today.

After my shower, I picked out a pair of khaki shorts and a cream-colored tank-top. I wasn’t sure if we were going to be outside a lot, but I wanted to be cool. I had a tendency to run hot in the spring and summer months.

I had just finished putting makeup on when my doorbell rang. I glanced over my shoulder and my hair glided over my skin. I wasn’t used to wearing it down during the day. I wasn’t sure how long it would last either. I slipped a hair elastic around my wrist just in case.