Harriet’s face lit up. “Are you a bridesmaid? I bet you’ll make a lovely one.”

“Oh, no,” I said. “Actually I’m the best man.”

“Pardon?” Harriet said. “You mean the maid of honor?”

I smiled awkwardly. “No, actually my best friend is the groom, and I’m his best man.”

“How positively wonderful and very modern,” Harriet said. “Don’t you think so, Kenneth?”

He looked up from his plate. “What’s that now?”

Harriet waved him off and glanced up at me. “I’m happy for your best friend. I’m sure you’ll be the best best woman he’s ever had.”

I didn’t know about that. I still think he should have used a guy for the job, but I wouldn’t do anything to ruin this day for him. Even though I didn’t agree with any of it, to begin with.

I left the Lamontes to their meal, mostly to get a break from the questions about the wedding. I didn’t want to think about it anymore.

But life doesn’t usually work out that way. Just before I got to the kitchen, Parker walked in the front door.

“Sienna, dear,” Harriet called over.

I tore my gaze from Parker who was already crossing the room toward me. I hoped he didn’t have another errand to run for the wedding.

“If I could get another fork? I dropped mine on the ground.”

“Sure thing,” I said.

I turned, and Parker was right there. “One second.”

I got the extra fork from the serving station and came back to the table to see Harriet beaming at Parker.

I put the fork next to her plate, and she barely noticed.

“Sienna, you know this handsome man?” Harriet asked.

Parker reached out his hand. “I’m Sienna’s good friend.”

“The one getting married?” Harriet asked with one eyebrow raised.

“That’s the one,” I said, cutting in. “This is Parker. Parker, this is Harriet and Kenneth. Our best customers.”

“It’s my pleasure,” Parker said.

“You are very handsome,” Harriet said.

I looked at her, and she waggled her eyebrows at me. Kenneth only shrugged.

“That’s very kind of you,” Parker said. “But do you mind me stealing Sienna away from you?”

Harriet’s eyes widened, and she grinned madly. “Of course.” She was positively smitten! And unlike any other woman who showed their attraction for Parker, I didn’t mind Harriet at all.

“What’s going on?” I asked Parker on the way to the kitchen.

“Sienna, I need some help today.”

I turned to him. “Parker, I can’t leave right now.”

“I can wait.”