She sulked off to her bedroom, and I had to hold back my laughter. I was going to enjoy milking this day for all I could.

After fueling Sienna with more caffeine, we went to a shop that Rachel had suggested. While Rachel had already chosen a color and style of dress for her bridesmaids, I was given the choice to get Sienna whatever I wanted since she was technically on my side of the wedding party. Which meant I would give Sienna the final decision. It was going to be hard enough to explain a female best man; at least if she was wearing something she was comfortable with then she wouldn’t seem so again

st the assignment.

She pulled a black gown with long sleeves from the rack.

“That looks like something you’d wear to a funeral,” I said.

Her eyebrows lifted as she considered the dress.

I knew something snappy and sarcastic was going to come out of her mouth, so I preempted that with a choice for another dress.

“How about this one?” It was a pale pink dress.

“I’m not wearing pink.”

My diversion worked. We managed to agree on three dresses for her to try on. She went with all black, but nothing funeral-like. She said it was to match my tux and not detract from the bride. I agreed to the compromise.

The individual dressing rooms were in the back, and I sat down on one of the chairs outside. The doors were just over half the size of the room which allowed for me to see her from the shoulders up. It was a strange set-up. Sienna wasn’t that short, but I could imagine taller women exposing more of themselves while changing. Though I supposed it wouldn’t normally be an issue since men wouldn’t typically be in the dressing room of a woman’s bridal shop.

Sienna closed the door and then pulled her hair up and tied it back with an elastic. “I really hate this.”

“Oh, suck it up; it’s just one day.”

She threw me a look. “Are you sure I can’t wear a tux? That idea is sounding really good right about now.”

“Just try on the dress.”

She curled her lip then turned around. She lifted her shirt over her head, exposing her bare shoulders. She slid her bra straps off and moved her arm to hang the shirt and bra on the hook.

I swallowed, unable to take my eyes off her.

Her jeans crumpled to the floor. She kicked them off her feet and stood there with her back to me. My mind filled in the blanks that the door created. Sienna had an amazing body; I’d seen enough of it in the past—that’s how good of friends we were—but she hadn’t ever been this naked in front of me. Even though I couldn’t see the details, I could imagine exactly what I’d be seeing if the door weren’t there.

Someone moved outside of the changing rooms, which distracted me enough to look away from my best friend who was butt naked only a few feet in front of me.

I fought against my instincts and stared at the floor. My eyes started to water as I strained to focus on not looking up. I rotated between looking at my shoes to one stain on the floor.

The door to her dressing room opened. “I feel like I’m not going to be able to eat anything in this dress.”

I looked up and my jaw slackened. She looked incredible. The dress hugged her tight waist, creating an hourglass shape for her body. The tops of her breasts were visible across the neckline. She turned around to look in the full-length mirror next to her. The back had see-through intricate detailing that showcased the muscles in her back.

“You look amazing,” I said, unable to hold back any longer. She needed to have more confidence in her body. And it was an excuse for me to stare at her some more. I pretended to scrutinize the dress as my eyes drank in the sight of her.

She turned around; her eyebrows were lowered. She hesitated but then a wide smile spread across her face.

“You like it?”

“It’s perfect for my best man.”

“Are you sure?” she asked. “This is only the first one.”

“I don’t think we need to see any more.” I didn’t think the others we picked out would compare to this one.

She turned back to the mirror and checked herself out again. “Good, let’s get it and get the fuck out of here.”

Chapter Eight