I moved Rachel’s bags closer to her. “I guess I’ll see you in two weeks.”

She grabbed the handles of the bag. “Thanks for dropping me off. Bye!”

“Wait,” I said reaching for her.

She raced off toward Ophelia without a kiss or a hug.


I watched her get safely inside, somewhat stunned that she didn’t even bother to show any affection. Though we were late; she was probably worried about missing her flight.

I needed a distraction from that morning. The traffic back to Key Largo wasn’t that bad, but I was still wired. I wanted to reassure myself that I had made the right choice by letting Rachel go on vacation with her best friend. So, I cleared the rest of my day for wedding planning. And I was going to take Sienna with me.

I went over to her place and rang the doorbell. Once again, it took several rings before she got to the door.

“Oh my god! Enough!” she said from inside.

She whipped open the door. Her eyes were bleary and she wore another tank top, but this time her tattoos were covered by long pajama pants.

“Haven’t you ever heard of a phone?” she asked.

“I texted you.”

“And I didn’t respond. That doesn’t mean come over; it means I want to be left alone.” She groaned and turned around, heading for her kitchen.

“It is the middle of the afternoon.”

“Yeah, well I get up a four in the morning to go to work.”

“Did you close early?”

She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a pitcher of tea. “No, Tony is running it this afternoon. I didn’t sleep well last night.”

“How come?”

“No reason. You want some?”

I nodded. I sat at the breakfast bar and sipped on the tea she offered. “I was thinking that today we should look for dresses.”

“Shouldn’t Rachel be around for that?”

“No, a dress for you,” I said, smirking.

She rolled her eyes. “Today? I don’t want to.”

“Come on, what else do you have to do?”

She leaned over the counter. “Literally, anything else.”

I knew she hated to get dressed up, which was why I made her do it when I could. And this was the perfect opportunity to see her squirm and complain about it. At least that would put a smile on my face.

“Once we get it over with, you won’t have to see another dress until the wedding.”

She thought this over for a moment. “You promise?”

“I cross my heart.”

She finished off her tea and placed the glass on the surface between us. “Fine, give me a minute to change.”