“I’d love to,” I said as I handed her a stack of cash.

She didn’t stop to count it, but I saw her glance at it to ensure it was all hundreds before she led me to the back room. As we passed the stage, I briefly glanced up and saw a death stare coming from Roxanne. If a look could kill a guy, the one she gave me was certain to knock me over dead.

Ms. Ally brought me to a back room and proceeded to dance and move in her seductive practiced dance. Every move she made seemed so rehearsed and not at all similar to my time in the room with Roxanne. At the end of the dance, Ms. Ally pressed her large breasts around my face and held me tight into her. I obliged her and shook my head in delight at the fullness of her chest.

“Did you know a girl named Ana?” I asked as we finished up and were saying our goodbyes.

“Not really. She danced here for a night before Stephano decided he wanted to keep her for himself. I think she moved in with him and everything.”

“Oh, that’s cool. I just wanted to see her dance again if she was around.”

“You come back anytime and you can see me dance.”

“So, she has a boyfriend?”

“Sort of. My boss, Stephano, usually picks girls who he wants to keep at his house and she was one of them. Lucky for her, I guess. He’s over on that rich island downtown. I hear he spoils them with lots of money and they usually move on and start new lives. None of them ever end up back here.”

“So, there is no way I could see her? He doesn’t let her dance?”

“Not unless you want to go to his house on Star Island,” she said as she laughed and left the room.

My gut got itself tied in a knot at her words. Star Island was impossible to get to without passing through security. The wealthy elite lived there and with only one road from the mainland, it was nearly impossible to sneak on the island undetected.

As we walked out of the private rooms, Ms. Ally took off into the crowd to find herself the next victim of the night. I looked up and saw Roxanne as she approached me quickly. Her eyes said that she was not happy, and for a brief moment, I just wanted to turn and run the other way.

Chapter Six


Did Jackson seriously come to the club to flirt with other dancers or was he trying to find Ana? As I took the stage, I saw him flirting with Ally and it disgusted me. Her fake ass tits and ass were nothing that any of the men should fawn over. But I especially didn’t think a guy like Jackson would be into a girl like that.

I couldn’t concentrate on my dance because every time I looked over at Jackson, he was staring into the eyes of Ally, or actually, staring into her breasts. Then he had the nerve to just get up in the middle of my set and walk with her to the private rooms.

There was no way Ally had any information on Ana and I really couldn’t see what other possible reason Jackson would have to spend time with her. I risked my life coming back to the club and Jackson didn’t give a damn. He was more interested in having some slut shake her ass in his face than he was about actually finding Ana. I had to

wonder if his brother Chase had asked me to help with the case just to make sure Jackson stayed on course.

When I finished my dance, I made my way through the audience and was totally willing to break into Jackson’s room and interrupt his lap dance. Who did he think he was? We were supposed to be working together to find Ana.

Some people didn’t have very good work ethics. I knew how to work hard and had spent most of my life working my ass off. I didn’t care what Jackson’s explanation was, there was no reason for him to be in that room with Ally.

Ally was one of those girls who looked as fake as could be and everything she said was fake, as well. She didn’t know up from down half of the time, so it baffled me beyond words to see that Jackson had chosen her to go into the back room with. There was no useful information that could have come from that conversation. Men were disgusting, though, and I could only assume he was going to make up some reasoning why the girl with the biggest breasts in the club was the one he needed to talk to.

I had spent the first hour of my night socializing with women I hated in an effort to find out where Ana could be. I had made a big story up about her stealing my money and I hated the idea of purposely lying. Ana was a good person, and even if it was for a good cause, I didn’t like making her look bad in front of people.

Luckily, one of my friends had remembered seeing Ana at Stephano’s house during a party a few days before. She said Ana looked all drugged out and Stephano wouldn’t let her leave his side. It was a good lead, and I needed to find Jackson to tell him about it. At least one of us had actually been working that night.

As angry as I was with Jackson, it wasn’t going to prevent me from doing the job that I was there to do. I was getting paid a quarter of a million dollars for my work and I was going to do a damn good job. Maybe I looked like just a stripper to Jackson, but I knew how to work hard and I didn’t take handouts from anyone. I was going to make sure Chase got his money’s worth as I helped to find Ana.

When I saw Ally and Jackson as they walked out of the private room, I couldn’t help the anger that built up inside of me. Who did he think he was? A woman was missing and he was just fucking around with that whore. It was absolutely and totally uncalled for and I wasn’t going to keep working with a guy like that.

“Get in that room,” I said as I walked straight up to Jackson and pointed to the empty room he had just left.

“Ralph, I’m about to go a little dominatrix on this guy. No worries, though, you don’t need to step in.”

Ralph was my favorite bouncer, and he knew me better than anyone in the club. He was a normal guy who happened to get stuck in the world of strip clubs just like I had. He liked the pretty girls and the excitement of the nights. Plus, the girls always gave him extra tips for keeping the scumbags away from them during the night.

“Wait a second, Roxanne, I don’t know why you’re so pissed, but I was just trying to get some information about Ana,” Jackson said calmly as he sat down on the couch in the room.