Jordan was the kind of girl who truly had good in her. I didn’t deserve her at all. I was sure of that. But after the last couple of days, I knew more than ever that I was going to earn that love and caring that she was showing me. I was going to get the both of us out of this mess and onto the right path.

I reached over and brushed a piece of hair away from her face. Her eyes fluttered. I quickly pulled my hand back and closed my eyes.

My heart fluttered as I remembered the touch of her naked skin under my hands the other night. Her perfect curves had fit just right with my body, and I couldn’t wait to feel better and get to play with her again. She was an amazing woman, both inside and out. I had certainly hit the jackpot when I found her.

“How are you feeling?” she asked softly.

“I’m better today. Still sore, but much better. Just don’t make me laugh.”

“I’ll try not to.”

“Where are we?”

“In a parking garage next to the city offices and the jail.”

“Oh, that seems like a great place. Good thinking,” I said as I finally opened my eyes.

Jordan’s big brown eyes looked back at me, and I felt my body melt. She was stunningly beautiful, even after being kidnapped and sleeping in the car all night. I was the luckiest bastard in the world.

“I thought we should go in and get married this morning. I’m not sure how that process works, though. Do you know?”

I sat up stunned. After everything I had put her through, she was actually willing to marry me. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t say a single word as I looked at her. To think there was any single person in the world who would willingly help me, after everything I had put her through, it was awe inspiring.

“Well, we would need to get a marriage license and then have a witness. But I think one of the clerks can act as the witness.”

“Let’s go. Call your father and set up a lunch meeting for us, too. We need to get you into his good graces.”

“Um, all right,” I said. “But my phone isn’t working. We will need to stop at the house and charge it or go back to the cabin.”

“Let’s get married, and then we can go back to the cabin.”

I leaned in close to Jordan and let my hand stroke the side of her cheek. It was so powerful to think she was there. I had just fucked up my life bigger than I could have ever imagined, and she was right there with me.

I didn’t need to rent a private room at a club or buy her expensive gifts. None of that was necessary. Jordan was there for me without any of the financial gains. Not only wasn’t she interested in financial gain, but I was beyond poor. I was in more debt than most Americans could even imagine. Yet there she was, lying next to me in a car parked in a parking garage, waiting to marry me.

I closed my eyes, leaned in, and gently kissed her lips. I was waiting for the spark to be gone. I was waiting for her to pull away and seem uninterested in me. But it never happened. As our lips touched each other, that inevitable spark between us sent blood flowing to all my most exciting zones.

There was no way I could keep twisting to kiss her, though. My body was not comfortable, and my ribs were killing me. So, I gently tugged on her and pulled her over onto my lap. Luckily, I had brought my pain medication with me. I couldn’t wait to get inside the bu

ilding and take a couple of my pills. It still surprised me just how much my ribs could hurt.

She looked around the parking garage to see if there was anyone watching, but we were well out of the eyes of the passerbys. Even the occasional car that drove by couldn’t see into our car very well. The shadow of the overhead beams kept us relatively well hidden.

“Thank you,” she whispered in my ears as her lips moved down and kissed my neck.

“For what? For almost getting you killed? You have nothing to thank me for.”

“Yes, I do. Thank you for showing me the kind of passion I never knew existed. The kind of excitement I only dreamed was real in books and television shows.”

“Hopefully, I can get us through this excitement and onto a boring life. I hate that you have had to go through all of this because of the mistakes I made.”

“We’re a team. Isn’t that what the plan was? You and I, together.”

She continued to kiss up and down my neck gently. I felt her hands as they reached for my pants and unbuckled them. I hated that I wasn’t able to do more, but she seemed to enjoy being in charge a little.

Things between Jordan and I were so opposite of my relationship with any other woman. I was always in charge. I was always the one who pushed for things to move forward. Having the shit beat out of me sure had changed the dynamic between us, and it was for the better. I couldn’t imagine Jordan would have taken very well to the typical me. Perhaps things were working out exactly as they should – as long as I could get us out of the situation with Escabar in good shape.

My cock sprung to attention as Jordan pulled me out. Her soft hands on my body, there was no way for me to resist that. I looked on eagerly as she pulled herself out of her clothes and slid onto me. She was careful to put her hands on the seat instead of my body, as she moved up and down on top of me. The beauty of Jordan as her body gave in to my pleasure was something I would never forget. No matter how many times we made love, I still enjoyed watching her on top of me.