“No. Make love to me. Love.”

Nate took a moment to look out the windows again and listened at the door to see if anything was going on out in the main area. When he was satisfied, his lips touched mine gently and he held my cheeks in his hands. He was such a manly man. I loved just looking into his eyes and seeing the intensity of his longing for me.

“You are my crazy woman.” He smiled.

“And you’re my crazy man.” I smiled back at him.

Again, he slowly took off my clothing, but this time he laid me gently onto the mattress and kissed from my neck all the way to my toes and back. Each touch of his lips on my skin sent shivers through my body. With my eyes closed, I imagined us lying on his bed in the cabin, with no noises around us and no people for miles and miles.

His lips felt like they belonged on my body all the time. Every single day of my life would be just about long enough to keep me happy. I knew in that moment that I didn’t want any other man; I only wanted Nate.

My past was officially behind me as I realized that I didn’t care at all what had happened to me before. None of those thoughts were filling my mind any longer; instead, all I could think about was what life would be like with Nate in the future. Where would we travel? What things would we see together?

I felt a level of control over my future that was intoxicating. I didn’t have anyone else in control of my life at that moment. It was only I who could determine the path to make myself happy. There was no need for any more ruminating on what happened at Stephano’s house. I didn’t even worry about him chasing after me because I knew if Nate was with me, I could deal with absolutely anything that could come my way.

There was no talk of me being quiet, no worry about my moans of delight this time as Nate let his mouth explore my center. The delicate nature of his touch combined with where we were at and I felt the excitement billowing up into an explosion, but before I could release; Nate stopped what he was doing and slid his body into mine.

With slow strokes, he gently kissed me. I closed my eyes and felt delightful as his body thrusted. His mouth was over mine and muffled my moans as his body brought me closer and closer to delightful orgasm. The way our bodies moved together was much more like a couple on their honeymoon than a couple in the middle of a war zone.

An overwhelming feeling of peace came over my body as I made love to Nate. Whatever else came to us in the next few hours, I now felt the strength to deal with it. My anxiety and worry over my past were long gone as I made love in the ultimate present tense.

Nate moved his body gently with mine, and as his lips touched my neck, he whispered sweetness into my ears. I absolutely loved the feeling of his strong body over mine as his lips touched the skin of my neck. It was the perfect combination of power and lust and made my body spring to attention with longing for more of Nate.

“You’re so beautiful and strong.”

“Thank you,” I whispered back before his mouth pressed against mine and we were consumed by kissing again.

“I feel stronger when I’m around you.”

“Then you should be around me more often,” Nate said.

Our bodies moved together in a slow, delicious pattern that had me building up to a pleasurable explosion. As my body finally released, Nate gave himself permission to release his orgasm as well. In one, last, glorious thrust, our hips pressed together and we both let out a moan of passion.

I wrapped my arms tightly around him and held his body over mine as we collapsed into ecstasy. It didn’t matter where we were. It didn’t matter that we might not make it out of that building alive. In that moment, we were together as one, and that was all that mattered to either of us.

“Mister Nate, there is movement in building across the street,” a young man’s voice said at the door.

“Thank you,” Nate said as he jumped up and went to the window to look out. “I’ll be right out.”

He was naked as he looked carefully out the windows to see what was going on. I gathered my clothes and hurriedly put them back on while I waited for Nate to tell me what he saw. It was funny to see how he didn’t care if he had clothes on or not as he looked out the window for rebels who could want to kill us.

“Several men leaving the building across the street, but it doesn’t look like a large operation.”

“What are we going to do?”

“Still need to wait and see how things are closer to 0400. If they are quiet, we will proceed with the extraction.”

“Won’t they see you loading the next group? How will we get the second group out?”

“It’s too risky to have both SUVs driving through town at once, much too conspicuous. We will have to get the first group out and then see what happens.”

I didn’t like the sound of that at all. But I knew that Nate was an expert in this area, and I was willing to do whatever he saw fit. There was no way I would know what to do in order to get the people out of the building and back to the base.

Nate got dressed and quickly went out to talk to the guys. I couldn’t hear everything that he was saying, but it sounded like he told them to continue what they were doing and keep their eyes posted until 0330 when they would wake everyone and get them loaded into the vehicle.

I waited in the room because I didn’t know what to do. My confidence was a little shaken as we sat there knowing that rebels were just across the street from us.

“They have been watching the building, right?” I asked. “They are going to come in here soon?”