“I came to help, you jerk. I know this place. I know this building and I was tired of being afraid, so I came to help. I was being hunted by Stephano and I’d rather be here and help.”

“I can’t believe you’re here,” I said as I pulled her close. “I fucking hate it. You should be at home. But damn, I’m really fucking turned on to see you here.”

“I got my ass to this building and brought food and water for them. You have to admit that took some skills. I mean, I even beat you here.”

“You are amazing and we will tal

k more about that in a minute. Let me take care of a few things.”

I felt my body reacting to Ana and I was about two seconds away from throwing her onto one of the cots and having my way with her. But I had to make sure the building was secured first.

It took me about thirty minutes to get all the men stationed at better locations around the building and get the rest of the women and children into the safe room. Then I radioed Rake to get an update on how the drop off went with the Red Crescent.

“Packages were delivered and are doing well. A Timothy Anders said to tell Ana he says hi.”

I couldn’t help but smile. Ana was actually pretty damn good. She had arrived in Syria, found a friend in a reputable charity, and got herself to the house. As angry as I was at her, I was still impressed with her resourcefulness. There certainly weren’t many women who could have pulled that off.

“Should we try for extraction at 0400?” I asked.

“Check in at 0345 and we can finalize, but that sounds good.”

“Copy that.”

We had about four hours to wait and there was no way I was going to get any shuteye. I had the men stationed around the house so I would know if there was any movement in the buildings or the streets. It was time to return to Ana and fill her in on what was going on.

“Are we leaving?” she asked eagerly. “Should I have a gun?”

“No, you shouldn’t have a gun. And no, we aren’t leaving for about four hours. There’s at least one person across the street and I’d like to give him time to get some shuteye before we try to get the rest out.” I laughed at her idea of getting a gun.

Ana had barely learned how to shoot one; there was no way I was handing a handgun over to her with that level of knowledge.

“So, what are we supposed to do for four hours?”

“Oh, I’ve got an idea,” I said as I pressed my body into hers and kissed her.

Chapter Nineteen


I wanted him so bad that I felt myself drench with wetness at the very touch of his lips. My adrenaline was pumping and it was more exciting than anything I had ever done. The last twenty-four hours had been such an emotional roller coaster that when Nate pressed his lips against mine, I couldn’t think of anything else except what his body would feel like thrusting into mine.

Nate was the man I had never dared to dream about. He was confident, kind, and had his life together. When I had first come to America, I dreamt of a tall, blond man with muscles like Nate and a smile that made me melt. I finally had him. It had taken me a few months and I had gone through hell to find him, but there he was, right in front of me.

We quickly moved toward the door and locked it as we grabbed at each other’s clothing and took them off. Nate had taken special care to place his ammo belt and other equipment down gently next to the bed we were near. As soon as he had those off, I pressed his t-shirt up over his head and let my hands glide over his sweaty chest.

He was breathing heavily already, and I could tell he was as excited as I was to feel our naked bodies together. There was no worrying about my nightmares, no being gentle with me because of my past. We both moved quickly and wanted to feel the hard thrusting as soon as we were on the bed.

I felt like a real woman. Which wasn’t something that I had felt like in a very long time. It had been over a year since I had been back at home and living my normal life, but in that moment with Nate, I felt normal again. Like any woman who was about to make love to the man she loved. It was a glorious feeling that I didn’t want to let go of.

Nate gently removed my black scarf and then each piece of my clothing as he paused to kiss me in between the removal process. He only paused for a few seconds before moving onto the next piece, but it was long enough to build up my anticipation for his next move. The gentle touch of his lips energized me with each touch and I felt the building of excitement.

His big hands slid over my naked body in one, quick movement before he wrapped me into his arms and we fell onto the small bed near the door. It wasn’t a beautiful bed, and in the light of day, I’d probably have been disgusted by it, but in that moment, it felt like the softest bed in the world. With Nate there and our naked bodies pressed together, it didn’t matter what else was going on in the world.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” Nate said through his heavy breath.

“I can’t believe I’m here too.” I chuckled.

As his mouth pressed against mine, I felt his knees spread my legs open and I longed to feel him thrusting inside of me. This was no time for slow, passionate lovemaking; I wanted hard, erotic sex. My body ached to have his filling me up. I pressed my pelvis forward and urged him on with great demand.