As Ana stood in front of me, I twisted her around and pulled her body up next to mine. My arm wrapped around her neck gently and I began to show her the process she would have to know if she wanted to kill someone by strangulation.

“You need to hook your arm like this,” I said in her ear. “Then secure your arm with the other hand. Do you feel that pressure?”


“All I would have to do is squeeze. The longer you squeeze the more likely you can break their windpipe, and that is how they will suffocate to death. You can also just cut off their oxygen for long enough that they die, but this takes much longer.”

“Okay, let me try it,” Ana said without hesitation.

Throughout the last week, she had been very eager to learn everything I was teaching her. She didn’t worry if she was strong enough or if it would work; Ana just paid attention and tried her best. I liked her attitude. The way she was willing to go all in, even if she couldn’t complete something—that would serve her well in life.

“I’m taller than you, so you need to figure out a way to get your body above mine…” I started to say, but then felt Ana’s body jump onto my back.

Before I knew what was going on, she had her legs wrapped around me from behind and her arms positioned just right around my neck.

“Like this?” she asked as she started to squeeze.

“Yes. Now squeeze as hard as you can.”

“I’m not going to kill you. What are you, crazy?”

“Trust me, you won’t kill me.”

“Okay, but don’t come back and haunt me when you’re dead,” Ana teased as she tightened her grip.

I felt the pressure on my windpipe as she squeezed. She had the technique down perfectly and certainly would be able to defend herself well if she ever got a grip on a bad guy. But I was about to shake things up a little.

I moved slowly over to the mat in the corner of the room as I slid my fingers between my neck and her arm. She tried her hardest to get me to pass out, but she just didn’t have the strength she needed to take on a guy my size.

In a quick movement, I sat down on the ground and pressed Ana into the mat. The surprise movement caught her off guard and she released her grip enough that I flipped around to try and get away. I was basically on top of her with her legs wrapped around me tight as her arms tried desperately to hold onto my neck.

“You have to expect everything, be prepared for everything. Anyone who is bad enough of a person that you want to kill them shouldn’t be underestimated.”

My face was just inches away from hers as I looked into her eyes. She was a fighter, that was for certain. I wouldn’t want to be her enemy.

“You’re so handsome,” Ana said sweetly as she looked at me.

Her words caught me totally off guard. I paused and looked down at her and remembered what her lips had tasted like. The sweet touch of those lips were only a few inches away if I dared to try their delicious taste again.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” I replied.

“Having your hard body on top of me…well, it just makes me think about all kinds of things.”

Her voice was seductive, and Ana licked her lips for emphasis at the end. My body reacted with a throbbing need for her and I knew she felt it. I knew she felt my hardness pressed up against her.


Suddenly, I felt some of the most excruciating pain I have every felt. She had kneed me right in the testicles. Then, Ana pushed me over onto my back and jumped on top of me. Her hands wrapped around my throat and she squeezed my windpipe.

“How’s that for being prepared?” she said with a proud smile.

My testicles throbbed, and I pulled my legs up to my body in an effort to get some relief. Ana slowly let go of my throat and then pulled me up so I could sit, but the pain was so excruciating, I didn’t want to sit. I didn’t want to lie either. I just wanted to curl up in a tiny ball and wait for the ringing pain to dissipate.

“That was very prepared,” I managed to get out.

“Do you want to try it again?”

“No,” I said firmly.