“No. I’m fine,” Ana said as she started to stand up.

“I don’t think so. I’ll get you inside to your bed.”

I scooped Ana up into my arms as Jordan held the door for me so I could carry her into the room. She was light, barely heavy enough for me to struggle with at all. I flashed back to that night when I picked her up from a back bedroom at Stephano’s house. She had been so scared, so innocent, and so out of it.

“Put me down, you big oaf. I’m perfectly capable of walking,” Ana said as she slapped my chest.


She sure was a handful when she was conscious, I laughed to myself. But it was serious that she had passed out. Normal, healthy people didn’t just pass out for no reason and I thought we should probably take her to the doctor to get checked out, but then I knew she wouldn’t agree to that unless it was an actual emergency.

“I’m not an infant. Put me down. I’m fine.”

“I was just trying to help.”

“I don’t need rescuing,” Ana said firmly as I carried her into her room.

Her room was in perfect order, with everything organized and in place. I noticed the sandwich I had made her the previous evening was still sitting on the nightstand. I really didn’t like all the fake energy that she had been pretending to have; there was no way a woman could stay up all night long and then have that kind of energy in the next morning.

“Did you eat anything?” I questioned.

“I don’t remember.”

“You made breakfast for us all, and I didn’t see you eat anything then either. Did you eat something or not?”

“Don’t talk to me like a child.”

“Well, if you’re going to act like a child then I’m going to talk to you like one.” I grabbed the sandwich and placed it in her hands. “Eat.”

“Jordan!” Ana screamed as she stood up to leave, but I didn’t move from the doorway.

Jordan came and stood next to me. I hoped she wouldn’t start trying to protect Ana and instead would let Ana and I work things out, but I didn’t have the time to explain to Jordan why she should leave Ana alone for a few moments at least.

“This oaf is trying to tell me what to do.”

“I’d listen to him if I were you. You should eat something,” Jordan sweetly replied.

“Fine,” Ana said as she took a big bite of her sandwich.

I smiled at her as we both turned back toward Ana. She saw the united front that was going on and sulked back into her bed. She sure was a stubborn one. But then again, I was exactly the same way.

“You are wrapped up in your thoughts; you have to let Nate help. And you have to sleep and eat. You’ll never get better if you don’t,” Jordan continued. “You didn’t sleep last night, did you?”

“I wasn’t that tired.”

“Maybe you should come stay with us. I can hire a nurse to come help take care of you. It’s important that you eat and sleep.”

“Hell no! I’m fine right here. T

here is no way I’m going to have some lady in a white coat trying to tell me what to do.”

“Then you’ll need to take care of yourself, or that’s exactly what I’ll do,” Jordan threatened as she moved toward Ana and hugged her. “I need you to get well. You’re going to be an aunt soon.”

Jordan put Ana’s hand on her belly so she could feel the baby moving. The tension in the room calmed down almost instantly and Ana started to tear up. I made my way out of the room and let the two women have their moment. They weren’t sisters, but Ana and Jordan were just as close as sisters, and I could tell Jordan only wanted what was best for her friend. Just like I did.

Chapter Seven