“If it will make you happy, we could take anyone or anything with us you would like.”

“I’m teasing, I’m sure Jordan and Chase could keep him there.”

“Now, let’s go get that hamburger before our flight to Atlanta,” Jackson said as he grabbed my hand and we headed out of the hotel room and into a life neither of us knew was ahead of us.



We all boarded the plane on our way back to Atlanta around eleven o’clock in the morning. It was a beautiful sunny day and the perfect start to Roxanne and I spending some quality time together.

Jordan and Ana were inseparable as they climbed the stairs of the private jet. Nate and Chase weren’t too far behind the girls as they carried a few of their bags onto the plane.

Ana wasn’t feeling good at all and had been vomiting since she woke up that morning. It was likely a combination of the excitement and the drugs that her body was withdrawing from. There wasn’t much we could do for her until we got back to Atlanta, so Jordan just kept her close and tried to comfort her as we loaded the plane.

“You look different,” Roxanne said to me as I waited for her at the bottom of the steps.

“This is me relaxed,” I said.

“I like it. I definitely like you relaxed,” she whispered in my ear. “You know, I’ve never joined the mile-high club before.”

My eyes got big as I looked at her and then looked around to see if anyone else had heard what she had said to me.

“Oh, me, neither. I think that’s the perfect idea.”

I slapped her ass as she walked up the steps and onto the jet. It was amazing how great I felt. I couldn’t remember feeling that happy in a very long time. Roxanne had agreed to travel with me for a few weeks in Bali. Jordan and Chase were going to keep her beloved dog for her, and Ana was going to get the help she needed at a private clinic in Atlanta.

As we closed the jet doors and got ready for takeoff, I couldn’t think of anything else that would have made the moment any better. I sat there looking at my brothers and how happy they were. Nate sure seemed to have taken an interest in Ana, while Chase and Jordan seemed more in love than ever before.

“Ana, when you’re finished with treatment, you could come and stay with me at my cabin for a little bit. It’s quiet and calm and would give you a good chance to get back into life,” Nate said as he sat next to Ana and held her hand.

I watched as Jordan looked at Chase and smiled a huge smile.

“It might be better than staying at our house. We are having a bunch of remodeling done and it’s like a warzone there,” Chase said.

“We can figure it out later,” Nate said.

I had never seen Nate so worried about someone before. Something about Ana had a hold of him, and I knew exactly what it was because the same thing had happened to me when I met Roxanne.

Sometimes, you meet someone and you just know they are going to have to be in your life. They are going to have to be a part of your future.

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By Claire Adams

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2016 Claire Adams

Chapter One